Crazy Coasters: The pattern

Hello sweeties,

How was your we?

Mine was pretty good…I’ve been trying something new in crochet…and I really enjoyed playing Sunday with my hook and some cotton yarn, using the pattern of “circle of joy” but changing its 4th round….and this is what I came up to:

cute colorful coasters:)

I enjoyed working the 2nd round with two different colors crochetingΒ  two thread together…I just tried and it worked and it made me sooo happy ! And now I want to try again and again crocheting together two different kind of yarns with different colors of course πŸ™‚

While the girls were playing around with their new Christmas toys I was playing with my yarns and hook, like a crazy woman fully concentrated on my coasters…

And when I finished the first one I was like wanting to make another one and after that one more etc πŸ™‚ Mad crocheter πŸ™‚

You really should try this …It is amazing…I’ll show you with some pics and of course a graphic pattern;)

The first 3 rounds are the same as circle of joy. In the 4th round (in orange), you should have finally 11 small petals…

Let’s go… First, choose two different colors A and B (It is better if they are contrasting together)

Make the first round in color A crocheting 11 tr. and after that crochet the 22 tr of round2 with A and B together:

Try not to cut any end before finishing round 3 leaving the two colors together on the coaster (Is that a good English sentence? I am not so sure :))

and then round3: Make 44 tr using color B and finally crochet round 4 like in the graphic pic using color A again…

And you’ll have a Crazy Coaster: Fast, easy, simple and so cute …

You should really really really try crocheting two different thread together… It is a wonderful experience!

Be crazy and make a crazy coaster and of course let me know … It will make me crazy-happy πŸ™‚

Have a crazy day!


Circle of joy: The pattern

Good morning to you,

This is for you, as promised, the pattern of “circle of joy”

I draw it as a graphic pattern and took some pics to make it clearer…

You’ll have a perfect circle when you crochet the first 3 rounds as this:

1st round: 11 tr (brides in frensh)

2nd round: 22 tr

3d round: 44 tr

and after that you crochet the 4th round as in the graphic pic (drawn with the purple color)

It is very easy, simple and so addictive you’ll see when you’ll try πŸ˜‰

and you can use it to make so many beautiful projects: coasters, cushion, blanket and much more…

So, my friend, I will be more than happy to see something you crocheted using “circle of joy” and I will show you, myself,Β  what I did with my black-border-circles-of-joy next time πŸ™‚

A beautiful week end to you all!

See you next week,


Circle of joy

Good morning my friend,

I’ve been busy during these past two days working on a new pattern…I don’t know if there is or not something similar on the net but this is my very own version πŸ™‚

It is a plain circle (with no holes :)) in a kind-of-granny-square-border:

I don’t know why I am loving the black color with other bright colors these days…I am adding black to my january2011 projects and liking it sooo much…It brighten more the other colors giving them more shining…don’t you think?

I made two squares with a cream border so you can see more clearly the 4th round of the square:

I don’t know yet what I’ll be doing with my black border squares…Will they turn into a blanket, a cushion? Will I make some coasters with cotton yarn? πŸ™‚ The only thing I know is that I love this square…

…and I am gonna post its pattern for you tomorrow πŸ™‚

Have a joyful day!



Stylish blogger award

Good morning sweet friend,

I am here today to give a big THANK YOU to my friend Teje from Nero’s post and patch for the Stylish blogger award!

It is a real pleasure to receive such a great gift so thank you from the bottom of my heart Teje!

Now I have to tell 7 things about myself and it is so difficult for me πŸ™‚ … I’ll make 7 resolutions for 2011 instead if it is ok…

Resolution number1: Play more with my girls instead of crocheting when they are playing around…

Resolution number2: Make long walks in the nature…I am blessed to be living in a nature environment with a sunshiny weather 300 days/year so I must enjoy it!

Resolution number 3: Make a diet and loose at least 5 kilos….I think this is the most difficult one πŸ™‚ but I’ll try πŸ™‚

Resolution number4: Stop telling what I am thinking to everybody around and be a more secret person because this stupid matter is making me lots of problems sometimes…so Keep my mouth shut instead of being frank and saying what not to say…

Resolution number5: Enjoy the small treasures and gifts of everyday instead of always projecting myself in the future with future projects to make…

Resolution number 6: Try to finish my wip and not begin new things before that. I am allowed to crochet 2 projects at the same time but not more …

Resolution number 7: Improve my poor English and for that practice it here as far as I can πŸ™‚

Now I want to pass this award to 15 lovely ladies with lovely blogs you must visit:

1- Carina at home

2- Handmadebyfiona

3- Hooks and yarns

4- Frecklepuss

5- Patchconchocolate

6- Creationwest

7- Moniquesplace67

8- Lacrochetnauta

9- Andreaapplesandpears

10- Hakenenmeer

11- Marionsbuntehandarbeitswelt

12- Scottys-place

13- Karenlcase

14- Barefeetandafreespirit

15- Lala-lizzie

16- Mytinkerspace

and I can pass it to a hundred more!!!

On the other hand, I am working on a new pattern I’ll share with you very soon and maybe I’ll post about it tomorrow… So stay tuned πŸ˜‰

Have a wonderful day!
