
June 18, 2013

Hello lovelies!

The girls are at home for the summer holidays so I managed last week some me-time in my craft room to finish some paintings for my sister’s home before the-children-time which will last for 3 hole months …. wooohooooo 🙂


I started this painting before even getting pregnant with baby Joe and stopped it…now it is done and I kind of like it even though it is too colorful…



and I painted two flowery ones..I know that my sister loves them… Hope that she will love these 😉




Now I have to tell goodbye to this beloved place … hoping to be back to it very very soon …

Have a cheerful week




  1. Lucie

    Ta soeur va être très contente : tes tableaux sont plein de soleil, de chaleur et de bonheur !

  2. Madeleine

    Good morning Angie,

    I like your paintings, I suppose they are a bit like you, enthusiastic and colourful!
    Enjoy your time with your girls though! This time will never come back! My boys were always much more peaceful and contented during holidays, I loved having them, and they played nicely to-gether with their cars and legos, not much fighting! But this is a long long time ago, so maybe nostalgia colours memories a bit. They have presented us with 6 lovely grand-children though…to spoil!

  3. Lily

    Hi Angie – your paintings are really lovely. Your sister is going to be so excited with them. I love your style – it is so cheerful and colourful. Enjoy your little ones’ holiday – three months is a long time. The children here only have 6 weeks for their summer holidays but as I home educate little son we don’t follow school holiday breaks and take our holidays when we choose to. Lily. xxx

  4. Francien

    Hello, what a great paintings, I love your style, it makes you happy!

  5. Inge

    What a beautiful and happy paintings!

  6. jeanne-hélène

    Voir, c’est merveilleux ! surtout lorsque s’offre au regard de si belles toiles aux couleurs magnifiquement agencées. Merci de les rendre visibles à notre portée par le biais d’internet. Très belle journée à vous

  7. Alessandra

    really love your colourful paintings!!!!
    xxxx Ale

  8. Rachel

    Lovely! I like the first very much.

  9. becky

    How beautiful!!!!!! I love your paintings! You are a real artist! Becky

  10. Angélique

    Tes tableaux sont magnifiques et pleins de vie 😉 passe une douce journée

  11. julie z

    You paint too?!?! I love your paintings! What a talented girl you are!!

  12. Christine

    If she doesn’t love them, I DO!!!! they are the most beautiful colors and I love your style!

  13. Janine

    Bonjour Angie,

    Je suis certaine que ta soeur va aimer tes tableaux, sinon, moi je les aime et je vais les prendre, hahahaha (je plaisante)! Bonne journée et j’ai hâte de voir ton prochain projet…

  14. maura

    too colorful? of course not! its beautiful, and it represents you and your personality. i love it. if i saw it for sale i would buy it

  15. Irene

    I Love your paintings!!! how talented you are!!

  16. pati from london

    Hello Angie, your paintings are beautiful and i love your new pink shawlette. How many balls of yarn did you use for it? i have 5 of 50grs of a yarn i love but i wonder whether they will be enough. Thanks, Pati xx

  17. Celeste

    I absolutely love the colors you’ve used in these paintings. Very bright and cheerful!

  18. Linda

    Your paintings are beautiful. And they are not too colorful as you mention in your post. Your paintings are like your crochet. They reflect much joy… your cheery, happy personality. Thank you for sharing your creativity and gift of color with us. I always leave your site with a smile on my face! Your children are very blessed to have such a creative mom!

  19. Pati from London

    Dear Angie,
    Thanks very much for your prompt reply to my message yesterday. I will try the wool I have and keep my fingers crossed!! Thanks, Pati x

  20. Any de Chile


    Si le gustará, estan hermosas, me encantan los colores, dan vida…..

  21. Alex

    The big painting is wonderfull, such joyfull and nice. Nice blog as well!

  22. Astra

    C’est tellement joli et plein de couleurs, merci de partager tout cela avec nous 🙂

  23. Vergik

    so beautiful, great job, what kind of paint you are using???

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