Snapshots of love (1)

January 21, 2013


* Colors on my table…


* Colors on my nails: I don’t remember when was the last time I put some colors on my nails…maybe in 2006 ???? 🙂


* Our old phone: It is one of the objects I truly cherish in the house. It belonged to my beloved uncle who passed away two years ago…Every time I look at it I think about him and how good and kind and loving he was…


* The kind of books that make me happy…


* My sweet girls: The house is soooo very quiet when they are at school and I miss them a lot…They are the sunshine of my days…


* Baby Joe: He is already 4 months old and he smiles a lot a lot and that makes my heart sing with joy 🙂


* My actual work in progress: “Fall” in love : a blanket I am enjoying to the max 😉


* My formal living: It looked so cosy and warm this morning…


* My living with a lot of baskets full of yarn: My husband is always asking me why there is in this house, everywhere, sooo many baskets full of yarn… Should I answer or no?? 🙂

Have a warm week!

Sending you kisses and hugs…


P.s: I decided to make from time to time this kind of post with just snapshots and a little text under each one …Hope you’ll enjoy them!


  1. Annie

    Eh bien,depuis 2006,tes ongles devaient être tristes sans couleur!!et le vieux téléphone est superbe,en plus il te fait penser à ton oncle….c’est un beau souvenir…j’adore vraiment ta couverture tu sais! et merci pour le partage des photos de tes princesses et de petit Joe,ils sont trop beaux!!!gros bisous Sucrette

  2. Faith

    I Love these kinds of posts…please continue….re your hubby, he knows why…don’t answer, if you do…say you are an Artist! because you are.

  3. annie35

    De beaux enfants et une maison pleine de couleurs (jusqu’aux ongles!) Ici aussi, de la laine partout, paniers, armoires, mais je trouve qu’il n’y en a jamais trop ! La couverture est superbe, bonne journée !

  4. Lucie

    Chez nous aussi, plein de laine de partout ! J’essaie d’en cacher un maximum dans des coffres en bois anciens mais il y a toujours pas mal de pelotes de sorties pour les encours qui attirent le regard dubitatif de mon mari…

  5. Stocki

    Hi Angie… what a beautiful, happy post! Your home looks so full of love and happiness. The ‘fall’ blanket is coming along nicely…and is definitely going to be stunning when it is finished. Have a lovely week… hugs, Jill x

  6. Ivani da Costa


    Congrats, the photos and the moments taken are beautiful and graceful, and the blanket is being gorgeous.

    Hugs, Ivani from São Paulo/Brazil!

  7. Lilli

    Love your snapshots and your blanket is beautiful!

  8. Sara

    Your work is beautiful, your crochet and your lovely painting make your home look so pretty, so what’s a little yarn around the house being a bit untidy?!

    Doesn’t your youngest little girl look like baby Joe? All of them are cute! Your new blanket has a very nice pattern and I love the colours.

  9. stephanie b.

    Great pictures!

  10. maree

    How funny! My husband asked me yesterday the exact same question about the yarn boxes all around *gg* I simply ignored him 😉

    I soooo love your home. Wish mine was that colourful!

  11. Linda

    Your home looks warm and welcoming and your children are so sweet. There is no point in answering such a question Angie he wouldn’t understand, have a lovely day 🙂

  12. Any de Chile


    Todo muy lindo….gracias por tus colores y las sonrisas de tus hijos…..

  13. Lianne

    Lovely snapshots…they say warmth and cosy!

  14. Pingback: Emma’s Yummy Yummy Sweater Vest | Fiberlicious

  15. Angélique

    tu a un magnifique petit cocoon 😉 Tes princesses sont superbes et ton petit ange avec ses sourir nous fait ittéralement craqué hihihih
    Je te souhaite une merveilleuse journée a trés vite et merci pour ce partage tout coloré 😉

  16. Brenda B.

    Love your pictures! Love to see them.. Colors are so cheery! Your children are adorable–baby is getting big! Blessings..

  17. Ellen

    Wonderful! Love the photos…so much love and warmth.

  18. Sue

    I like your snapshots.

    Your blanket is growing fast and looks beautiful. I love the colours.

    Your girls look very sweet and baby Joe is growing quickly. I love his smile.

  19. Karen H.

    Your vintage telephone is just wonderful !! And the wall with all of your art is so cheerful… Love it !!
    Baby Joe is growing- he is such a cutie pie !!

  20. Noemi

    Felicidades!!!!! Muy lindas las nenas, y Joe un encanto!!!!.
    Toda tu casa es super cálida, y el teléfono es parte de ello.
    La manta, como todo lo que haces, quedará fantástica.

  21. Debbie Meyer

    I absolutely LOVE all your beautiful crochet. I get so inspired to create when I see the colors & patterns. I’m having a hard time fitting it all in to my day though. 🙂 (Is there something as too much giddy inspiration???) Thanks for sharing!

  22. Kathleen

    I love your home! It is so warm and cozy! Your use of bright colors is absolutely inspiring. Thank you for brightening my day!

  23. anny

    maravillosos todo
    besos any

  24. Darlene Lehman

    I so enjoyed your beautiful pictures!! What a lovely family, you are truly blessed. The new blanket looks like a lot of wonderful colors, also! You must tell your husband the baskets are actually your baskets of possibilities, waiting for the magic touch to bring them to life!! Best wishes to you all. It is very cold here in the Midwest USA today!! Our high temp was -5 below zero today, a good time to be working on my own baskets of possibilities!!

  25. Lorena

    Every thing is very nice! baby looks so big and healthy, the girls look very happy.
    keep smiling!
    LOve Lorena x

  26. Hannah

    I LOVE your living room. I pinned the picture so I would remember it. All the color is wonderful!

  27. Arezoo

    So sweet! I love everything in these pictures ♥

  28. becky

    Thanks! Becky

  29. peg decker

    love the pics….thanks for sharing…i am trying to figure out the phone to email thing…lol…to share some pics too…my little girls (great nieces…5…3…2…love the poncos…keep up the designing… i love your stuff!!!…peg

  30. fantaisy-de-pat

    Bonjour Miss sucrette, je viens de découvrir ton blog !! il est débute le crochet et je l’ai découvert en cherchant un peu d’aide …. superbe !! Ta déco est très chaleureuse et colorée très colorée !! Tu as une bien jolie petite famille …. Je vais revenir souvent sur ton blog ….. Bises de France ..A bientôt de te lire .Pat

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