Internet problems

July 6, 2012


Two days ago the internet was cut from all our country and until now the connection is still very very slow…I just can’t check my mails, send or receive any 🙁

I am so sorry for this …

Please, to all the lovely friends who ordered a pattern and did not receive it yet, I ask you please to excuse me and just wait a little longer for your PDF files! I did not forget you but I just can’t send any pattern right now due to the bad internet connection 🙁 and this problem is making me crazy!!

Thank you so much for your understanding …I hope this will be fixed very soon …





  1. Lily

    How frustrating for you. I always feel very odd and out of kilter if I am without an internet connection. Hope it resolves itself soon. xxx

  2. Olga

    Don’t worry! Everything will be OK!

  3. Lina

    I hope the connection problems are resolved quickly. Greetings.

  4. Hillary

    Hello Sucrette,

    I just wanted to comment here and say that you inspire me! The other day I had nothing to do and I was on the Internet and realized I hadn’t read your blog in a long time! Well, I read a whole month’s worth of posts and I was so inspired! As soon as I got done reading, I got out my 2 WIPs and went to town!! I didn’t finish them but I accomplished a lot!
    So thank you for your posts and your pictures! I hope you get your Internet fixed soon so that your fans can see everything you’ve been working on lately!!

    -Hillary from Pennsylvania, USA

  5. Tammy

    Sorry to hear about the internet problems, Angie. I do hope you are finding more time to crochet. Have a good week. Tammy

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