Hello there!

June 16, 2012

It’s been an awful week for me …I was sick sick sick and feeling not good at all….three days with high temperature and an awful headache… I am now on antibiotics … and today I am a little better 🙂

These days I was like sleeping all day long, not capable of going out from bed, turning on the computer was a very hard thing to do and holding a hook too 🙂 I was feeling desperate … and felt like crying all day long 🙂

Now, the sun is shining again for me and I am feeling better…

These pics are from a project I’m making along with the baby granny blanket but I totally forgot to blog about it… It is a new cover for a leather stool I have… will show you more soon…

I really really missed blogging and hope to be more present with you next week. The girls are now on summer vacation and I have to begin preparing baby’s nursery etc…Hope to share all this with you my friends 🙂

The baby set pattern is almost ready…will post it on monday (crossing my fingers)

I wish you a beautiful weekend and send you all my love!


P.S: I want to give a big thank you to Barbina for giving me the Sunshine Award! It brought sunshine to my day and made me so happy so I forgot for a while my awful headache 🙂 THANK YOU Barbina!


  1. Laura Miller

    So glad you’re feeling better! We missed you! Have a lovely weekend. x

  2. Flo H

    hope you are 100% better! I look forward to your email blogs; they brighten my days, did you see my bed doll and baby blankets on facebook? Keep well. Hugs, Flo

  3. La Tulipe

    Je suis sur le même projet que toi mais beaucoup moins de ronds de faits. Ca me rassure d’ailleurs de voir que ça prend la forme d’une petite coupole(je suis débutante et je me pose plein de questions).
    J’ai utilisé ton tuto. Merci.
    Bonne santé à toi. Repose-toi .

  4. Olga

    Hi Angie! Take care of yourself and your baby – get well!
    And congratulations with the award!

  5. Annie

    Bonjour Sucrette,désolée de savoir que tu étais malade et contente de savoir que tu vas mieux…Bonnes vacances à tes filles! tes petits ronds sont magnifiques,bravo!bon week-end et bisous pluvieux d’ici

  6. tiflipt'

    I feel sorry to hear you’ve been soo bad…

    Take all the time you need to recover and get better ! love

  7. SusanD1408

    Really glad you are feeling better, I hope you continue on your road to recovery!!!! Your colours have brightened up my day!

  8. Anne

    I’m glad you’re feeling better. Take care of yourself and your wee baby! :o)

  9. Mo

    So glad you’re feeling much better 🙂 Don’t over do things now or you will be poorly again and we don’t want that 😉
    Looking forwards to seeing your newly covered stool, those circles are beauties 😀
    Mo xx

  10. Sue

    I am sorry to hear that you have been so poorly. I missed you 🙂

    Preparing the nursery will be exciting and I am looking forward to seeing it.

    Don’t do too much too quickly, rest and crochet is a must.

  11. Lily

    I am sorry to hear you were so unwell. Its awful when you are so weak you can’t read or hook isn’t it. I look forward to seeing the new nursery – how exciting! Lily. xxx

  12. Toñi G.

    Hola Angie, me alegro que te encuentres mejor, aunque has aprovechado muy bien el tiempo, todos los motivos preciosos y muy coloridos, un abrazo

  13. Stocki

    Hi Angie… so sorry to hear that you have been poorly! It sounds like that bug is worldwide – I have just been nursing my 88 year old Mum through the same thing… I hope the baby didn’t feel sick too!! I’m so glad you are getting better now… you certainly know you are ill if you can’t pick up a crochet hook! Big hugs, Jill x

  14. Teje

    Hi Angie! I hope you are feeling better! Enjoy your summer with the girls! x Teje

  15. Cheryl

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better.

  16. Angélique

    Oh tu va encore nous faire un merveilleux plaid. Je suis entrain de faire le candy cushion (pour participer a un petit concours 😉 Merci encore pour tous ces merveilleux tutos. Passe un merveilleux we

  17. becky

    Glad you are feeling better! I was wondering what was going on with you because haven’t heard much this past week. Congratulations on the sunshine award! You ARE the sunshine! Becky

  18. mamifoise

    Bon WE et heureuse que tu ailles mieux

  19. Teresa

    So glad you are feeling better.

  20. Misty

    So sorry to hear you were so sick. But very happy your feeling better. Need to take good care of yourself and the wee one. Congrats on the award, that is great news. I love the colors for the stool. Can’t wait to see it all done. Take care and hurry and get well. We’ve missed you.
    Happy Thoughts.
    Misty and Pets.

  21. Karen

    Hope you feel 100% again soon, rest loads & spoil yourself, let others pamper you & have a sweet weekend
    Lol Karen xxxxx

  22. René

    So sorry you were feeling poorly. I’m glad you are feeling better now. Have a fun summer with your girls.

  23. Pammy Sue

    You poor thing! I’m glad you are feeling better. Hope you are feeling 100% very soon. Looking forward to your patterns.

  24. Kate

    I just found your blog through Barbina and became a subscriber. I’m sorry you’ve been sick but glad to hear you’re on the mend. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! The blanket you’re making is looking wonderful. Have a good weekend!

  25. faith

    Sorry to hear you’ve been ill, but glad you’re feeling better. Continue to heal! Blessings!

  26. LittleSusie HomeMaker

    Keep filling better! Cant wait to see the circles project! I have a similar pile!

  27. EllyD

    Oh no Angie! I’m glad you are now feeling better. Your little circles of colour look fabulous, I can’t wait to see what you do with them. I have a foot stool needing covering too.
    I also need to get back to blogging but haven’t yet managed since returning home from Spain. Soon I hope 🙂 Take care of yourself. hugs Ellyx

  28. Darlene

    So sorry to hear you were under-the-weather. Hope you will be back in good form soon. I am anxious to see the next project with the small motifs you gave a peek of. Take care!

  29. Tammy

    Dear Angie, so sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well, but glad to know that you are on the mend. My husband has a cold at the moment and is coughing nonstop. I’m drinking plenty of honey ginseng green-white tea blend with extra antioxidants to fend off all those germs. 🙂 Your crochet is always so very colorful and beautiful. Best wishes, Tammy

  30. Maggie Hassett

    Good Afternoon Sunshine! I am so happy that you are feeling better and taking antibiotics to cure what is ailing you. I hope the rest of your family will not catch what you have, especially since the school year is finished and your girls will want to play outside with their friends. Headaches are the worst!!! I got so excited when I saw the round circles and couldn’t wait to read all about them! What a great idea to make a crochet cover for a stool! I look forward to reading your next blog and to seeing a photo of your covered stool! Stay well, Angie and have a good weekend! 🙂

  31. heather

    Well that sounds just awful!! But…I’m glad you’re feeling better and have these bright and cheery grannies to keep you going!

  32. Lita

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better Angie, have a nice relaxing weekend, feet up and hook in hand! Love the new wip too.

  33. anny


  34. Tabby P.

    Hello sweet lady! Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell. To be sick is bad enough but to be sick and pregnant is the worst! I’m glad te docs got you going on some meds to make you better! Hopefully you feel 100% again soon! Hearts and hugs!

  35. Karen

    So sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly 🙁 I hope you are fully recovered soon! Enjoy getting the nursery ready – such an exciting time! Oh – and I love all the little crochet circles! I have a similar pile in front of me now!
    with love
    Karen x x x

  36. kara

    Feel better 🙁

  37. beberouge

    Thanks for your lovely comments about my blanket. Can’t wait to see what you are making love the circles, how good would they look sewn together and stuffed to make little squishy balls to make a squishy quilt. Oops there I go again off on the creative tangent. Love the circles!!! Your colours are always amazing

  38. Debi Y.

    So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Love the little circles. 🙂

  39. Barbina

    Oh Angie! I hope you are feeling a lot better now! I wish I could come over to your place and hug you!
    At least I could bring a little bit of sunshine to you last week!
    Have a great new week my dear friend! xxxBarbina

  40. Ellen

    So glad to hear that you are feeling better:)

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