The BIG Russian doll and its 19 babies :))

April 23, 2012


This post today is a special post for Jill and Laura who asked to see the babies of the big Russian doll (the biggest one in the middle of the pic above) of my previous post. Actually there is 19 little babies inside this doll and not 29…sorry about that mistake 🙁 It was long ago since I opened for the last time this doll and I wasn’t sure about the exact number…

So? Are you ready? OKkkkkkk! Let’s open iiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

This doll is special because it is hand painted by a true artist and you’ll see when you’ll look at the pics the details of every doll even the smallest ones …

The biggest one (the mummy 🙂 ) is 30cm tall and she’s really beautiful with the smallest details hand painted on her …

and so are the 19 babies…Each one is special and has a different hand painted scene … Maybe it is a story and each doll is a different chapter of it 🙂

and these are the smallest ones 🙂

Look at number 20 … the smallest smallest one…

Isn’t it amazing??!!! It is actually a little bigger than a grain of rice but has its own face and hand painted details!!! I took several pics of it but this is the only one that wasn’t blur 🙂 It is sooo difficult sometimes to take decent pics of smallest objects like this one !

Look at it next to its mother 🙂 I like the contrast between the sizes of these dolls! It is really amazing !

That’s all my friend!

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Thank you so much for visiting!

I wish you a super wonderful week 🙂



  1. Marie

    Vraiment très belle, cette série de Matriochkas ! Quelle délicatesse et finesse !

  2. Lucie

    Tu possèdes-là un trésor qui réjouit le coeur des enfants mais aussi des adultes !

  3. Annie

    C’est extraordinaire!!et qu’elles sont joliment peintes!!tu as bien de la chance de posséder un tel trésor!!bisous

  4. Jerriann

    Wow I lovw Russian dolls too. They are beautiful. Thanks for sharing piccs of your big set.

  5. letuskah

    elles sont tres belles tes Matriochkas!!!

  6. Laura

    At one time I had 5 sets but they were lost in a cross country move, I enjoyed seeing yours.

  7. annie35

    Quelle famille !! c’est une merveille !

  8. Stocki

    How lovely Angie! Thank you so much for showing us… I do love the contrast between the Mother and the littlest… soooo sweet! What a beautiful piece of craft you have… and I imagine the children love looking at it (from a distance 🙂 ) … Have a lovely week growing that baby and looking after yourself, hugs, Jill x

  9. Ana Silva

    They are so sweet… and precious! I love it!
    Joyfull week!

  10. Annick

    très belles, je n’ai jamais vu avec si beaucoup de bébé’s

  11. caramere

    Elles sont splendides tes poupées Russes et très bien décorées aussi, j’attend avec grande impatience tes messages du lundi et millieu de semaine aussi, quel plaisir de te lire et d’admirer toutes tes belles choses, bonne semaine à toi big kiss

  12. Analisa

    These dolls are called matryoshka. Very pretty!

  13. Lily

    What a lovely set of Russian dolls. I think that there have been so many cheapened versions of these that its easy to forget how beautiful the authentic ones are with their tiny detailed paintings. I seem to remember from a trip to Russia that they are made out of one block of wood – do you know if this is correct? Lily. xxx

  14. Annie

    I love this post. It’s cheered me up this grey morning.

  15. Pearl

    Amazing!! How absolutely gorgeous, and a fabulous keepsake and heirloom! 🙂

  16. Caroline D

    C’est un vrai trésor que tu as là. Magnifique!

  17. becky

    Amazing! Darling dolls! Becky

  18. Elisha

    Thank you for showing! I was curious too since I saw the first pic 🙂 they are pretty.

  19. Ellen

    Thank you soooooooooooo much! What fun!

  20. WoollyBudgie

    They are really beautiful! Thank you for showing us them! I love the doily that they are on as well!

  21. moleymakes

    Such a beautiful set of Russian dolls. The handpainting must’ve taken hours of skill. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a large set.

    They’ve certainly brightened up this wet and dismal Monday 🙂

  22. Laura

    Yay! Thanks for showing us them all! Sooooooooo cute! Mummies and babies….sigh …… lol xxx

  23. GerryART

    OH! MY ! !
    What a wondrous treasure.
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  24. Sara

    How beautiful! Many hours of work and dedication must have gone into that set of lovely ladies. It looks like they tell a fairy tale. I love the rice grain baby! thanks for sharing with us 🙂

  25. Darlene

    They are all so beautiful; thank you for sharing them with us. Have a great week.

  26. Andrea

    Wooow! That doll is amazing! I love those russian dolls too, specailly big ones with lots of babys!

  27. Brigi

    They seem to have folk tales painted on them…

  28. kris

    Никогда не видела таких больших матрешек ))) простите, за мой русский ))))

  29. Cécileb

    C’est la première fois que je vois une telle famille de Matriochkas. Merci de nous faire partager.

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