February 15, 2012

Should I open THE BOX or shouldn’t I?

This BOX is full of left behind crochet wips…

I’m thinking about opening it and pick one of the-left-behind-wip-projects to work on… what do you think?

 Should I open THE BOX?

and you? Do you have a similar BOX at home? Do you sometimes open it and think about picking one project and give it a go?

Have a happy day!


P.S: Thank you Rossella Roselli for the Versatile Blogger award 🙂 You made my day!


  1. Happybee

    hELLO Angie!!!
    I have a similar one too but…it’s from quilting projects!!!
    I open it from time to time and…I close it again…LOL!!!!!

  2. Fiona

    Go on, Angie! Open it!!

  3. Caroline D

    J’ai les même blocs d’African Flower qui traînent, non pas dans une jolie boîte, mais dans un sac, et je les regarde de temps en temps, en me disant que je n’en ai pas encore suffisamment et qu’il faudrait que je m’y remette… Allez… Ouvre la boîte 🙂

  4. severine

    ah oui ! ouvre cette boite et vide-la viiiiite ! j’ai hâte de voir le résultat ! bonne journée

  5. chris

    hi angie,
    i think you have to take one out of the box
    and finish it .i find that i feel good when i have
    finished one
    happy hooking
    chris from australia

  6. Floortje Wartenbergh

    YES! open it….a cleaned up WIP box gives a cleaned up mind…..
    For instance: what about the lovely hexagons I see??? Good luck and keep us posted!

  7. Nurhayathxcy J

    yes open it please! i see some cute hexas from here 😀

  8. Aline

    I think you should – you might find a really nice wip there, that you’d all forgotten about. I have a bag. A very large bag (IKEA-bag-size), filled with sew-wips. And a wooden box filled with knit- and crochet-wips. I think your box is rather modest – wish mine were that small 😉

  9. Betty Guyomarch

    Mais c’est une boîte à trésors !
    Ouvre-là et montre nous !


  10. Sue

    hehe..open it
    I have several boxes like this and am trying to do one unfinished project a month…A promise a Month for 2012
    Have fun x

  11. Titi

    Oui oui, j’ai pas une boîte mais un grand panier à linge.
    +/- 200 granny à mettre ensemble…. je déteste… pourtant je serais hyper heureuse de pouvoir vider mon panier et avoir un grand plaid sur mon lit. Tu ouvres ta boîte et je me “lance” dans mon panier.
    Non je m’occupe de ta boîte et toi de mon panier, c’est pas une bonne idée ?

  12. anny

    Siiiiii!!!!! A abrir ea caja, se ven hermosos cuadros, para un hermoso proyecto.

  13. Susan HomeMaker

    Oh, my, this is what most of my projects look like! I have lots of tote bags, that I will carry to my kids karate practice or some other place that I work on for a while, then put away and forget about. My problem, I get side tracked, distracted, and bored, then start a new project. Sometimes, I go back and find the old project and work on it and finish it. That makes me happy when I finish!
    Go ahead and dig in!!

  14. Mo

    Ooh, it’s a kind of mystery box – what will you find that may be what you’ve been ‘looking’ for? Go on….have a lookie see 😉
    I think I must be in the minority, in that I don’t have a wip box/bag. Whatever I start, I have to finish 😉
    Have a wonderful, ‘what-is-it’, Wednesday 😀
    Mo x

  15. Jewel

    I do not have a box, but a basket full of unfinisched projects = it is a good idea though, will try it also
    Jewel x

  16. Ivana

    Hi, wow….it’s a beautiful box.

  17. Marieke

    Go on….open it…and share with us what’s in it!

  18. Angélique

    belle boite en effet. De projets inachevés dedans? Bonne journée a toi aussi

  19. Lauren

    WHERE did you get that box? I love it…..

  20. Hand made knitwear

    I feel like a kid on christmas morning! OPEN PLEASE! All my WIP’s are in tote bags….the kind the give you when you buy so much makeup from the department store! Or, too many clothes from a shop!


  21. Graciela Ferrari

    Hi Angie!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like so much your box , im have a box too lol

  22. Casey

    I like your box, my unfinished WIPs are just shoved in bags in my closet!

  23. Teresa

    My projects tend to end up in tote bags. I do hope you will open and show us.

  24. GerryART

    Nothing at my house is stored so artfully

  25. Cybouille

    Aaaaaah la boite de Pandore !!!!! Pandora’s box !!!!
    Of course OPEN IT !!!!!
    Le truc serait de l’ouvrir, de prendre une profonde inspiration, de plonger avec délice dedans et de jeter le couvercle !!!!
    Parfois, c’est bon de laisser “germer” les choses, et puis un jour, tout s’éclaire et devient évident !
    Si tu sens que c’est le moment : just go for it !
    Bises Angie !!!

  26. TracyMarie

    I would definitely open it – close my eyes and quickly grab the first thing to come into my hands! How exciting to have the opportunity and satisfaction to finish something that has been languishing in your box of unfinished projects! I say, “Go For It!” 😀


  27. Andrea

    OPEN IT, please. How about using some of the hexas and crocheting them into a solid giant hexa. Like sprinkles on a cookie. Can’t wait to see what you will wip up. LOL

  28. Fariba

    I have several of these boxes full of goodies. Like everybody else, I often open them and look at the contents and wishing to myself that have more time to finish them all and then close and store it for another visit.

    Have a great day everyone!!!!

  29. TexasCat

    I have several tote bags of WIPs. What I do is pick one, finish it and then give myself permission to start a new project. I started doing this awhile back so that I don’t get too many WIPs going. It helps and I do feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish one! Love your blog!

  30. Amy Ukena

    That’s it? One box?


    I am not going to tell you how many I have…. Suffice it to say that my daughter and a good friend have tried to put me on a yarn diet….


  31. Renee

    Box, he he he. I had to laugh Angie, I’ve got an entire CUPBOARD of unfinished WIP’s!!!!!!!!

  32. René

    Mine wouldn’t fit in a box either. Reading the comments I’m glad I’m not the only one. I say open the box and pick a project to work on along side your Love Birds Blanket. I love the design on the box, did it come like that or did you add it to the box?
    Hugs, looking forward to see what you pick as your extra project!!


  33. Maya

    Hi Angie,

    Go on, open it!!!!

    I do have some boxes like yours!
    I started to make a blanket like yours of Love Birds and a did at the same time I’m making a coat to my loving dog, jejeje
    And I have crocheted some hats to my goddaughter…
    I have thinking in crocheting some hats to donate them to a children hospital, so I will start it; to avoid the boredom of one project only…

    Best regards!!!

  34. wink

    Yes yes yes, open it! And please include step-by-step pictures of the progress 😉

  35. paule ragot

    mes carrés sont dans un joli panier …..mais pas de projet immédiat !!!!! très jolie boite et plein de jolies créations qui prendront bientôt forme paule

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