I am back!

February 7, 2012

Yes, I am back! Oh how I missed you my friends and how I missed blogging, visiting blogs, leaving comments, writing new posts… I can say that I am back from a kind of hell! Everybody got sick in this family and when somebody was feeling better, somebody else was getting worse etc…we’ve been ill and then better and then ill again all of us :(… A special kind of very bad virus… I’ve been a nurse and a sick mummy at the same time and that was one of my worse weeks …Today, we are all feeling a little better, the girls are still at home resting…they are still very weak but today is a better day…

During this crazy week I’ve crochet a lot… yes, I crocheted between wiping runny noses, taking fevers and giving medicine to everybody…I crocheted when I was feeling a little better between a headache and another…The crochet was the only thing that was keeping me away from getting completely crazy and out of my mind…I’ll show you today some progress I’ve made to Love Birds…

I’ve crocheted 32 squares so far and I’m loving them…I’m loving each and every one of them…

and I’ve chosen two colors for the joining…wanna see?

I love this light turquoise…It is one of my favorite colors and it is beautiful in our room where the walls are light blue…mmmh…(Love Birds is a bed spread for our room)

I have a small idea on how I’m gonna joinall the squares with these two colors 😉 …Will make a small sample for you my sweeties to show you next time and I’m counting on you to tell me what do you think…

Have to go now…a lot of work is waiting for me…but before leaving I want to give a big BIG  THANK YOU to two lovely ladies for giving me the versatile blogger award! Thank you so much Jill and Gramma Rita ! I am very honored to receive such a wonderful gift 🙂 You both really made my day!

Sending you lots of love, hugs and kisses…

See you very soon (I’m crossing now my fingers)




  1. Barbina

    I´m so sorry to hear, that you all were ill too! I know exactly what you are talking about! I hope you all feel better very soon! I have given the versatile blogger award to you too! I love your blog so much, you are a great inspiration for me and your colourful work always puts a huge smile on my face! Thank you so much!
    Sending you many hugs! Barbina

  2. Floortje Wartenbergh

    OOOOOOOO, poor you! Mummy’s have to keep going at any time, don’t they…… I’m happy for you that you got so much love birds done. Curious about your joining…I’m always on the lookout for the ‘perfect’ way, but haven’t found it yet. Good luck with your last ‘nursing’…. Enjoy your day!

  3. Lina

    I am very happy that you all feel better. I’m looking forward to seeing this blanket finished. It’s beautiful!

  4. Bernadette

    I’m sory to hear all of your family was ill but luckly the end is near. I know what you had to pas tro cause here in my family I felt like a nurse, also. My girls went out for shool today and I hope they’l come back in good shape. My husband also whent to work. Corss my fingers that everythings go alwright and I don’t have to pick up one of my family.
    I’m happy to see that you still had the courage to do some corchet. Your coulours to joining all the love birds are very nice. I also love turquoise.
    I hope everything go’s well and looking forward to see more of your works. It make’s me happy.

  5. Betty Guyomarch

    ah la la ! ma pauvre Angie je me mets à ta place, être malade, maman et infirmière en même temps, c’est vrai qu’il y a de quoi devenir “dingue”.
    Heureusement pour vous si tout ça se termine.

    Tu as bien travaillé dans tes moments d’accalmie, je ne sais si c’est vrai, mais j’ai lu sur un blog que le crochet et le tricot étaient bons pour la santé,
    ton choix de couleur pour joindre tes grannies me semble bien sympa !

    gros bisous et bon rétablissement à ta famille et à toi

  6. Mo

    Oh such a shame to have so much sickness altogether 🙁 But glad you are all ‘on the mend’ 🙂
    What a lovely piece of work your bedspread is going to be! So bright and cheery and snuggly 😀
    You deserve the award, and any others you may receive 😀 I always look forward to your postings and to seeing what glorious work you have created.
    Take care and stay well 😉 *hug*
    Mo x

  7. Cybouille

    Hi Angie,
    Despite of this , you can be proud of yourself : those grannies are so beautiful all together. I just can’t wait when you’re gonna join them with these turquoise yarns.
    Okey glad to read you’ve received an award for your blog ( Can someone give you another one for beeing mother, nurse, crochet guru while you’re completly sick and weak !!!!)
    So take care sweetie and congratulation.
    Women are strong !

  8. paula

    Hey, good to know you’re all on the mend now 🙂

  9. Ira

    Me encanta, te va a quedar precioso.


  10. Stocki

    Hi Angie… Yippee you are back! It must have been awful all being ill together.. and I remember so well those times with my 3…I’m glad to hear that you all getting better now…. and look at the silver lining to your clouds..the pile of beautiful Love Birds squares…Oooh I can’t wait to see it finished, and I LOVE the 2 colours you are using for the joining! Keep going with the getting well…. and as for the Versatile Blogger Award.. how could I not give it to you? Hugs, Jill x

  11. Lyda Rengers

    dear sucrette, i am glad to read you all are a little better today. Especially at this moment it is a great pleasure to me to read your newsletter and admire what you are doing , the pictures! Last week i broke my arm and now i am pity for myself but can still learn much of crotching from the internet.
    Greetings from Lyda.

  12. Teje

    Hi Angie! I’m sorry to hear that you have all been ill. How great that you are feeling better now! Your blanket is going to be wonderful!
    x Teje

  13. SusanD1408

    Hope you are all on the road to recovery! The squares are fantastic!

  14. Meredith

    So sorry you have all been ill. At least you were able to find time to crochet amongst all that illness. Lovely squares.

  15. Catherine Lopez

    Glad you’re all doing better now. Lovely crochet as usual. Take care.

  16. Teresa

    Glad you and your family are on the mend. One of the reasons I love crochet is how portable it is. So nice to curl up with hook and yarn. Looking forward to seeing your sample. The blues are very pretty.

  17. wink

    I LOVE your squares! So pretty 😀
    Take care!

  18. Dalia

    thank GOD you’r feeling better now and home sweet home
    wish you well

  19. Stephanie B.

    sorry to hear all of you were so ill. Nic squares ready to be amde into a balnket/afghan, very nice. At least you could still crochet. Nice work!

  20. Angélique

    magnifique couleur avec beaucoup de peps j’adore 😉 bon rétablissement (je suis pas trés forte en anglais mais je comprend un tout petit peu..)

  21. Pam

    Welcome back! I’m so happy that you all are feeling better!

  22. ghis33

    Bonjour, j’espère que tout ce petit monde va mieux. Votre est tellement meveilleux et toutes ces couleurs, ça donne envie de faire la même chose. Merci encore pour tout. Ghis33

    • ghis33

      J’ai voulu dire “votre blog est merveilleux”

  23. Karen

    Welcome back, Sucrette! So sorry you and your family have been so sick. Take care of yourself and try not to overdo it at first.

    Sending hugs and love, Karen

  24. Laura

    Welcome Back!!! Hope you are all feeling better and your Love Birds looks gorgeous!!! Can’t wait to see how you’re going to join them…. I’ve also given you the Versatile Blogger Award so I hope you like it even tho you’ve already got two!!! lol xxx

  25. delphine 44

    Oh AngiE, j’espère que vous alleze tous mieux ???
    En tous cas, je vois que tu as bien avancé sur tes carrée ! ils sont très jolis et les 2 bleus que tu as choisi pour les assembler est sypma aussi! de belles couleurs flashies comme j’aimùe afin de jnous réchauffer !! Nous avons eu de la neige ( 5 cm ) en plein centre de ville de Nantes, les enfants ont adoré !! nous moins !!! avant goût des vacances pour eux en fin de semaine !!
    Je te souhaite une belle journée et viens toujours te lire avec grand plaisir !
    Delphine 44

  26. lynne

    Love Birds is going to be beautiful! I really like the joining colors. Take care this week!

  27. Debi Y.

    Glad to hear that everyone is feeling better. All the squares look great – pretty colors. 🙂

  28. Gramma Rita

    Glad to hear everybody is feeling better, and praying that you all continue to do so. 🙂 You are quite welcome for the versatile blogger award. I *love* your blog…so cheery and colorful! 😀

  29. Moos

    Happy to read that you are feeling a little bit better. Please take care and take your time …. we don’t want it to come back again!!!!!

    I love the crochet work you have done although you were sick/busy!!!! Nice colors!!!!!!!

  30. Happybee

    Happy to know that you all are feeling better now”!!!
    welcome back!!!
    we miss you too!!!!

  31. Barbara Reichard

    Glad to hear you and your family are getting better. AS usual, your crochet squares and joining yarn look great. Can’t wait to see the finl afghan. Feel well

  32. Julia T

    Can’t wait to see the finished product of all of the beautiful squares! I am inspired to the nth degree to begin a project with granny squares because of your photos, I think! So sorry to read that you and family have been ill, glad to know all of you are on the mend now. My own household has been under the weather as of late, as well, and I also find that crochet is a good way to help Mommy cope 😉 Please continue on with your lovely blog 😉 Congratulations on the award!!!

  33. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    I was wondering WHERE you were… it was not much like you! very good, Glad to see you back and glad the children are doing a bit better… KEFIR Angie, KEFIR! give them that, ever soooo good for the natural defences 😛
    REgards and best wishes!

  34. Pingback: Inspiration | Prendre le temps…

  35. ScoobyDoo

    Hi. Just popped over from Lucy’s blog (Attic 24) and wow, am |I pleased I did. So sorry to hear that you and your family have all been poorly. I hope you are feeling muvh brighter now. Just want to say that I’ve been browsing some of your pattern links and for the first time I get to understand graphic patterns. So a big Thank You for making them so easy to follow. I look forward to dropping by regularly – you are now on my Favourites list! Best wishes.

  36. EllyD

    So sorry to hear you and your family have been poorly 🙁 It fair takes it out on you. Good to know you managed to keep crocheting beautiful coloured yarns for us to ooogle. Glad to hear your are feeling better. Well come back! Love your Love bird squares. This is going to be another beauty! hugs Ellyx

  37. Stacy

    I am having a hard time starting a new row.

  38. Giselle

    I totally love your pillow cover you made and I love the gorgeous colors of your bigger squares. I’d like to tackle a pillow cover as it is a great start to practice on before doing an afghan, plus I don’t know if I can wait a year to finish a blanket I won’t be able to contain my excitement.
    My excitement to learn crochet has come a bit too late as my gran could have taught me how to crochet but now her eyes are not so great and I ended up making my first little crochet item, a bright yellow cell phone pouch for her Tracfone SVC phone for seniors that she can wear around her neck, it has the large keys and letters on the phone screen.
    I also love your bright little coasters and flowers they’d make a great bag or scarf.

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