Christmas on my mantel…

November 23, 2011

Good morning sweeties,

Yesterday was a very busy day for our family. We decorated all the house and we did not left any corner without a touch of Christmas…Yes, I know, that for some of you it is too early…but I love that Christmas spirit stays in our home for two hole months…we decorate on the 22th of November (Our Independence day off here ) and we take out everything end of January…that is some kind of tradition here 🙂 and I love traditions!

Today I’ll show you our mantel…just our mantel (because if I’ll show you everything (the tree, the shelves etc) there is more than 60 pics 😀 and that is too much…

I fall totally in love with these small nativity characters…they are like handmade but in ceramics …

They look like they are knitted and embellished with buttons and stitches 🙂

Yesterday night we were so tired that we slept the four of us very very early Christmas spirit in our heart …

My mother keeps saying that Christmas should be in our heart not in the house, the gifts etc… I try always to remember these words and find a right balance between the real meaning of Christmas and the fake Christmas of these days…

Lighting up the candles and saying a small prayer before going to bed was a bliss …

May Christmas spirit be always in your heart 🙂

Have a beautiful day!



  1. disou

    OHHH! On se croirait en train de feuilleter un magazine chic de decoration!! Quel joli travail! Bravo Sucrette! You did it and did it right!!
    Happy day to you, my sweet!

  2. Sara

    It is a bit too early for me yet! I don’t normally decorate until about a week before Christmas. Your stockings look adorable and the ceramic nativity is so sweet, I did think they were made from yarn to start with.

  3. Christelle

    How nice 🙂 I love the “knitted” characters.
    Our tree has been decorated, 2 weeks ago, and for the first time, my two boys did everyting! I only had to put up the lights. Will bake some coockies to decorate next week.

  4. bk-créations

    ohhhhh, it’s so beautiful !!!!!!
    I love it


  5. Florentina

    It’s so beautiful your home!!!
    Your Christmas will be perfect.
    I’m working for Christmas but slowly, because I try to make sweaters for my daughter and me.

  6. mamita

    c’est vraiment magnifique, ils me les faut absolument ces petites chaussettes, moi aussi j’ai une cheminée, l’idée avec la guirlande me plait beaucoup mais bon les personnages de la crèche, ce n’est pas pour chez moi même si je les trouve ravissants !

  7. Mo

    Oh what a joyous sight! 😀 Beautifully done too! 😀 The nativity set is just the sweetest, I would love one like that – must do internet search, one never knows… It is too early for us in the UK, but I love seeing the decorations in the shops and looking around at the displays. I totally agree that the spirit of Christmas should be in our hearts but I do like having decorations all over 😀
    Have a smashing day 😀

  8. Betty Guyomarch

    j’aime beaucoup tes personnages de crèche avec leur manteau de “laine” comme tricoté !
    Je commence à penser aux déco moi aussi et je le fais avec ma petite voisine de 7 ans car mes enfants sont trop grands. Nous décorons toujours notre palier que nous partageons, les photos seront sur facebook.

  9. Soleil

    This is so cute Angie … Your words and thoughts about Christmas … I am feeling that the spirit of Christmas is in my soul… And of course, your fireplace is decorated very nicely!
    Olga ☼

  10. Unn

    This is so cute and warm!

    From Unn, Norway

  11. Kashi Griffith

    I love it. I decorate this weekend. It is Thanksgiving tomorrow here in the States and since I have been married, we decorate the day after Thanksgiving. I love the way the home looks and feels with all the Christmas stuff out.

  12. Sieburjer Mädche

    It´s not early for me… nono, i love it !! I decorated last weekend and i love the warm atmosphere in our rooms.

  13. Pati from London

    I love your stockings and the nativity scene. I love how their outfits look as if they have been knitted. My nativity scene is made of felt and very cute also. I can’t wait to decorate the house. I’m just waiting for my local greengrocers to have Xmas trees and as soon as they get them (hopefully next week), we will decorate it! x Pati x

  14. Happybee

    awesome Angie!!! you put me in the xmas spirit too!!!!!
    these caracters are sooooo cute and i tought you dressed them with crochet clothes before to read they are made of ceramic…
    really gorgeous!!!!!
    You did a great job with your decorations!!!!!

  15. Victoria

    Good for you, Angie! It’s so nice to know that real people are decorating for Christmas–and not just the stores!

  16. Teresa

    So pretty!!! The nativity is adorable. Thanks for sharing. I hope we will be seeing more pictures!!


  17. alba howard

    Hi Angie:
    It so beautiful, I love it.
    God bless you.
    Caracas, Venezuela

  18. Siobhan

    I don’t like to decorate until just before Christmas, but I do like them to stay up for weeks after Christmas.

    I LOVE your nativity set, it looks just like they are wearing little knitted clothes. Perfect! Your little stockings have reminded me that I must urgently get some yarn for these as they are so pretty and I must have them! My daughter also has put in a request, so I must get moving. Yours suit the mantel piece beautifully. I bet the rest of your house looks amazing.

  19. Karen

    Beautiful Angie!!!!!
    The ceramic figures are amazing, lovely detail & all very sweet on your mantle 😀
    Lots of love Karen x

  20. Natasja

    The socks look so cute!!! I posted the pattern and tutorial on my Facebook page so that everyone can make them. I don’t have a fireplace mantel to hang the socks from, but I’ll find something. I just have to make them! Will you be linking this pattern on Ravelry? I think you should – it will be a hit!

  21. EllyD

    OH! What delight!!! I love your Christmas Mantel decoration.
    Your nativity set is oh so sweet. I thought you had made them yourself 🙂 and your little stocking look so cute. Thank you for sharing your inspirational pictures and words. Ellyx

  22. la crochetnauta

    Te quedaron hermosas las botitas en el la chimenea. Y el pesebre es divino!!!!!. Un besote. Hermosa casa y linda familia.

  23. Laura Miller

    Your nativity set is beautiful!!! I know what you mean about the true meaning of Christmas. It’s so easy to get carried away with the fakeness of it all….. so with that in mind, may your Xmas be filled with joy, peace and love. lol x

  24. TracyMarie

    Well done! I just love seeing how you bring everthing together – thank you for sharing the Sights and Spirit of Christmas with all of us! 😀

  25. Niamh

    Merry Christmas. I can’t wait to decorate my house. Its our first christmas with our baby boy and i’m so excited. I’m going to do your stockings for our mantle too, just have to finish a few wips first.

  26. sarahj

    The stockings and Nativity figures are lovely on your mantle piece.
    In our house the decorating happens on Christmas Eve. It is really interesting to hear how everyone goes about their celebrating.

  27. Teje

    Hi Angie! What a lovely scene over your fire place! Those ceramic figures are so beautiful and unique!
    xxx Teje

  28. Zeina

    hello angie!!!
    I love your work!!! I have a little atelier called Thimbelina as I am a cross stitcher!! We are located in mansourieh or you may find us for the christmas season @ beirut souks! you may check our website or check our face book fan page Thimbelina

  29. Djane

    Love it too!!!

  30. momotte

    Bonsoir Sucrette..
    je viens de découvrir votre monde vitaminé,
    Et envie de le faire partager, je me suis permise de faire un post sur le blog de notre KféTricot..
    Si cela vous gêne, ou mal exprimé, dites le moi; je ferai le nécessaire..
    En tout cas j’adore!!
    A Bientôt!!

  31. Cynthia

    I just found your site and everything is so beautiful! I want to sit and look at everything!

  32. Kelli Woodall

    I am also a lover of Christmas. I’ll be decorating the day after Thanksgiving. As we don’t have a lot of money this year my husband and I will get the kids just a couple small things. I find I don’t care, I’m just looking forward to our holiday party and the good food we all share. A nice lesson to my kids that presents are not what counts! I love seeing what other people do with their decorations.Your nativity set is precious! If you don’t mind my asking, I was curious where you found them? Very sweet! Happy holidays!

  33. luysy

    comme c´est beau !!! feérique…acceuillant…
    une si belle ambiance de Noël dans chaque détail…
    besitos andaluces

  34. Patty :-)

    Such a nice display . . . I was also wondering if you would share where you found your nativity set?
    Thank you for sharing your decorations. 🙂

  35. Liz

    Yes, please share where you found the adorable nativity set! I would love to add that to my collection!

  36. PornAnais

    Enjoyed reading through this, very good stuff, appreciate it. “Shared joys make a friend, not shared sufferings.” by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

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