An award and some progress…

June 3, 2011

Good morning !

I received a while ago an award from a very sweet lady…

Thank you so much Kerry!

Kerry have a wonderful blog…you can visit it here!

So, for the award I have to tell some things about myself…


1-I really really love colors…colors everywhere and specially in homes but it seems like most of the homes I visit are “beige” or “white” and this really annoys me!!

2- My favorite color is: red or purple or orange or yellow or even turquoise …in fact I have plenty of favorite colors πŸ˜‰ and every week I seem to have a new favorite color πŸ™‚

3- I love big families…for me the perfect picture of happiness is a big family with 4 or 5 kids dining around a big table laughing and eating with a fire in a cosy fireplace …

4- I’m afraid to death of death πŸ™‚ In fact this is a real obsession for me…I keep thinking about the day I’ll be dead or somebody I cherish will be gone and I cry and I cry … I don’t know how to face this fact and I keep reading books about it…but no result πŸ™

5- I love simple pleasures of life: sometimes, just sitting in the garden watching the girls playing makes my heart happy happy happy πŸ™‚

6- I hate to shop clothes…for myself…yes yes yes…I wish I can stay in my jeans and a very large t-shirt for the rest of my life and nobody tells me I have to be “pretty” for the others GRRRRRRR!

7- I live in a country (Lebanon) where everything is fake…specially the women…plastic surgery is the latest fashion…All the women have the same fake nose, the same fake cheeks and the same stretched skin around the eyes…in fact they all looks the same…its dramatic !

8- I hate going to hairdressers…fixing the color and cutting my hair is my nightmare! and this is what I’m making today!!!

9- I love eating a lot, specially sweets and chocolate…and I am constantly beginning diets…just beginning … πŸ˜€

10- Sometimes I wish to live alone in an island with my children, my husband and my family and of course my crochet and the internetΒ  and you πŸ˜‰ …

that’s it my lovelies!

Now I have to pass this on (and this is the hardest part as there is a thousand of lovely blogs I visit and all the blogs are wonderful! really!)

So, voila, I pass this award to:

1- Saritha from

2- Debi from

3- Severine from

4- Jane from

5- Karen from

6- Mamzelle Flo from

7- Karen from

8- Linda from

and Esther from

Go have a visit! It is really worth it!

and finally before I go, I have to show you two pics:

It still needs some ironing and framing…but I’m happy with it πŸ™‚


My “daisies-in-a-square-baby-blanket” wip…

All the squares are done…Still have the joining round and the border…So a “tadaaa” post is coming very soon πŸ˜‰

Enjoy your week end!




  1. Esther

    Ooooh, my first award. Thanx so much! That blanket is starting to look fabulous!

  2. Teje

    Congratulations Angie!
    That ‘Home Sweet home’ is wonderful! I love every detail! And the blanket is going to be beautiful!
    xxx Teje

  3. Debi Y.

    Thank you so much for my award Angie. I love reading your blog too – so pretty and colorful. πŸ™‚

  4. Saritha

    Thank you so much for the award. Its my first one. I really love that applique work. It will look extremely pretty when framed.

  5. Severine56

    Thank you for my award !!! I answer you soon.
    I really love your “home sweet home” !

  6. Karen

    The Daisies in a square blanket is coming along beautifully. Pastels look so yummy together. I enjoyed reading your list and getting to know a bit more about you. Jeans and T’s forever!

  7. Carol

    Sucrette…no need to fear death. You only need to believe in Jesus as your Savior. John 3:16 You sound like a beautiful and wonderful lady…love your colors and your happy spirit!

  8. Pati from London

    I love your “Home sweet home” applique, it’s so sweet! Concerning death, have you ever read any of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s books? they deal with the subject and can be quite interesting to put you at ease with the fear of death. Have a lovely weekend! x Pati

    • Sucrette

      Thank you so much Pati ! I’ll try these books πŸ˜‰

  9. Tammy

    Your baby blanket is coming along nicely. A lot of friends and co-workers of mine have been having babies lately so I’ve been crocheting too. Love your stitched Home Sweet Home. It is so sweet! I visited Lebanon many years ago and while walking in Beirut, realized my friend and I were the only ones with tennie shoes on. HA! You are well aware of the fascination there of putting your best foot (and face) forward. :/ Hope you are having a great day. It is dusty and yucky here. Best wishes, Tammy

  10. wendy

    sucrette…i was very sorry to read about your fear of death….altho it is sad to lose someone you love i always remember that my loved one is not gone, i simply cant see them anymore but i know they are always near…i look forward to death as i get older because in the bible my jesus promises me that if i am baptized and believe in him i will be together with him forever in the splendor of heaven…i was a nurse for 40 yrs until i got sick and i tended to many people as they were near death….every person i observed rested so peacefully until they took their last peaceful death…and i truly believe that at our last breath, the holy angels gently lift our souls out of our old worn out bodies and carry us off into a wonderful new existence where there is no pain or suffering, no illness or distress, where we are met by all our family who have gone to jesus before us. i cant wait to see my big family, my mom and dad and sister and grandparents again. please pray about this fear and im sure jesus will enlighten you to see things you didnt know before. he will bring you peace.

    • Sucrette

      Oh thank you so much Wendy ! This is very sweet from you πŸ™‚ I’ll try to remember your words next time I feel down πŸ˜‰

  11. Karen

    Dear Angie
    Thank you so much for the award, what a fab surprise, i tell you i was so happy all day (thanks to you)xxxx
    Love the beautiful applique so sweet & colourful & the blanket is really looking well.
    God bless Karen πŸ™‚

  12. Fruitful Fusion

    I love that “Home Sweet Home” applique. It’s gorgeous!

  13. Jill Stockton

    You have just given me a wonderful couple of hours so I thought I would say thankyou! I have been following your blog for a few weeks and always enjoy your entries, but today I noticed your Kreativ Blogger award (so well deserved) and followed the links to those you gave it to in turn…and I have been reading some lovely entries and been completely inspired by the things people are making! So, thankyou! I have my own blog (, and now I am inspired to blog a lot more! Keep up the brilliant work! Jillx

  14. Jane

    Hi Angie, thank you so much for the award! I really do appreciate it πŸ™‚ and I love looking at your lovely colourful blog. The Home sweet home picture is just so pretty – you’re so clever!
    love Jane x

  15. Kerry

    You’re most welcome for the award! And your Home Sweet Home is fabulous, really well done x

  16. Severine56

    Hello Angie, i would just like to know if you received my mail about this award , i send it at the begginning of june ?
    Have a good day !

    • Sucrette

      Oui Severine, je l’ai recu et le fait d’avoir tellement de points en commun m’a fait beaucoup plaisir πŸ™‚
      Merci beaucoup pour tous tes messages πŸ™‚
      Je suis ton blog regulierement πŸ˜‰
      Gros bisous a toi!

  17. caramere

    Je suis tombee en ADMIRATION devant cette splendide ‘daisies in a-square-baby-blanket’ me serai t il possible de la voir entierement “montΓ©e” car j’attend un premier petit enfant pour septembre et je pense que Γ§a fera un trΓ¨s beau cadeau de naissance, merci de ta rΓ©ponse et BRAVO encore cordialement Caramere

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