Because a blanket without a border is not a blanket :)

March 22, 2011

Good morning sweeties,

and welcome to SPRING, my favorite season 🙂

Here is my very very first crocheted blanket made in 2007 but made without a border… (You can read more about it in this previous post)

and here it is with all its glory with a new shining 2011 yellow border 🙂

Yes, I decided, after 4 years to make a proper border for all my home blankets and they are three…Here is the first one done…will make the 2 others later 😉

It is a very simple border but it makes all the difference…don’t you think?

I am so in love with these two “candle holders”  (I am sure it is not the right word to describe them 😀 but I am sure you understand what I am talking about 😉 )

mmmh beautiful 🙂

One last pic of my stripes blanket…

And now I am working on a new small project…for the living room…

I’ll not tell you what it is…I’ll let you guess…

and I’ll show it to you “done” next time… 😉

And now, my lovelies, I’ll leave you with this cute quote on one of my boxes (I love boxes 🙂 all kind of…)

and wish you a perfectly beautiful Tuesday!




  1. Fruitful Fusion

    Such lovely crochet! I love the blanket. And you’re right, the edging finishes it off nicely!

  2. Aisyah Helga

    Everything is lovely, Angie! And you’ve started a new project! Can’t wait to see what it is!

  3. Teje

    Hello Angie! That’s beautiful with yellow border! So qute new crochet scuares…hhmmm what they could be?
    I love those candle holders! They are special!
    Have a lovely time! xxx Teje

  4. Esther

    Wow, look at the colours of that blanket. So bright! And I am very curious what the mini grannys will become. I’m staying tuned 🙂

  5. Dorien

    The blanket was already beautiful, but the border makes it even better. Sometimes simple is just the best. I’m curious to see what you are up to now. Those squares are really tiny.

  6. Andrea at Apples and Pears

    Oooo gorgeous!!! Yes, a border makes a piece of crochet into a blanket. That border is lovely xx

  7. Fiona

    The edging really makes the blanket, Angie! And I love your candle holders too. Your house looks really nice – hope you’re all settling in well.

  8. Victoria

    Your golden yellow border really sets off this beautiful blanket and gives it a neat, finished look. Good for you, for wanting to get unfinished projects accomplished. I love that feeling!

    Sconces–your candle holders are called sconces!

    Have a great and colorful day–looking forward to your next blanket border.

  9. miek

    well, whit this great result it probebly isnt that difficult to do the others too.
    great job, well done!
    and your new project, mmm….. no idea but whit your speed we will know soon 🙂

  10. Jacquie

    Hi Angie, love your blanket with the border. I am wondering what your new project will be .
    Yes my perfume is Amarige ! such a coincidence we both love it :0)
    Have a great day
    Jacquie x

  11. Helen

    Stupid question time! Do you have to count and work out the maths for the border before you start or do you just wing it and hope it works??? I am two stripes away from the end of a baby afghan and then I need to do a border. I’m really not sure what to do. I was kind of hoping that if I just start doing something, anything, then it will all work out by itself. (Burying my head in the sand I think!) By the way I do love your borders. Your ole ole blanket border adds a bit of pizzazz!

  12. Mom Wald

    What a wonderful project, and your blankets are new again!

  13. Sandra

    I agree too, the border is the final touch to the blanket. I am also curious as to what your little granny square project is going to be… I will be following too. Love your blog… so many cute, interesting and beautiful treasures to find here… you light up my day and inspire me with each and every post, keep up the great work !!!

  14. marta


  15. quarkee

    they say a quitl should always have a touch of yellow to give it zing…i think that holds for crochet too – its just lovely!

  16. quarkee

    or should i say ‘quilt’?!

  17. Penelope

    Oh your blanket is so gorgeous and now 100% perfect with it’s sunshine happy border. I do agree a border just pulls it all together xox Look forward to you revealing your next project x

  18. Leah

    Hi there! Your border looks stunning. It really does finish it off beautifully. I love visiting your blog – it’s so colourful and cheerful. Have a fab weekend!

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