28 Jun

The baby granny blanket…slow progress…

Good morning sweet people,

Some pics to share with you today about my slow progress on the making of my baby blanket…

I’m on my 26th week of pregnancy now and I feel like I’m a big cow but slow like a turtle 🙂

It is very very hot now here …we’re in the summer days… and I can not stand holding the yarn for a long time…

That’s why I’m so slowly progressing on a blanket which should be finished by now…

I’m loving it and I’m loving the colors sooo much…

This soft doll you’re seeing in this pic is one I’ve made back in 2006 🙂

What do you think about it so far? It is the first time I use so much brown in one project but I like it 😉

Have to go now…

and leave you my friend…

Sending you lots of kisses!




My name is Melody 🙂

I was made yesterday for a little 5 years old girl who was stuck at home with a bad “gastro-enterite” and who needed a little company…

I was sewed with soo much love…

and I have a little crocheted dress too…

I made also some new friends…

and I’m very happy in my new home …

The little girl is feeling much better today and she can now play with me ! Youpiii!

Have a fun day!
