Bad days :(

February 19, 2013

We’ve been through some very bad days here at home 🙁 We are all sick now fighting an awful virus 🙁 It all started with christina on Saturday morning…then baby Joe…then Sarah…then it was my turn and today it is my hubby’s turn 🙁 You can not imagine how hard it is to take care of three sick little children when you are very sick too…a high fever that nothing brings down… I’ve never been through something so awful in my life…Today, Christina and Joe are a little better…SO there is hope for all of us to get through this…


I’ll have to postpone the giveaway for one more week… I am so happy to have more than 300 comments right now…IT was a real pleasure reading them during these bad days…SO, my lovelies, I’ll pick up two names on Friday March the first…SO, if you did not yet, you still have more than one week to leave a comment on this post and have a chance to win one of the two gifts…

And I have so many posts to catch up with you…
The little cute thing I was making on this post
My granny shawl which is done and looking gorgeous…
A new wip I’ll have to show you too…I must 🙂

Hoping that we’ll get through these bad days…
Crossing my fingers to get back to you as soon as possible…
And wishing you all healthy days because health is the most important thing…


  1. Gwen

    Oh dear – I do hope you will all be well again very soon. Sending you all huge hugs xxxx

  2. Inez

    oh get well soon, all of you! big hug!

  3. Alison

    Wishing you all a speedy recovery.x

  4. Janine

    Get some rest and get rid of the germs you may have and come back as you were before.
    Get well soooon!

  5. delphine 44

    Je te souhaite bon courage pour remettre sur pied toute ta petite famille et te remercie encore pour ton blog qui est si agréable à lire ! Merci à toi de nous le faire partager !!!!
    Bonne journée bien ensoleilléen ici mais fraîche !

  6. Alexandra

    Get well soon dear Sucrette!! 🙂

  7. johanne

    Oh no, hope you feel better soon. I’m sure you know this, but keep drinking and lots of rest.

    Luv Jo

  8. Lyn Z...

    Oh Angie so very sorry to hear that you have all been so unwell….
    not so dramatic here: Only my wee one was hit by both viral throat infection which was most painful and then nearing weeks end she found herself suffering a sinus infection…. I send to you and your family much needed Healing Love and Light!!!
    Hope you are all well and good soon.

  9. Lilli

    Oh, I feel so sad for you all! It must be terrible for you all to be ill at once – I wish you all a very speedy recovery ♥

  10. Ellen

    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Sending hugs from Wisconsin.

  11. Karen

    Oh you poor things, wishing you all a speedy recovery xxx

  12. Jean in NH

    Rest and fluids, my friend. We will all be here when you are well again. Take care of yourself and get everyone back on track.

  13. Liza Starr Lilly


  14. Fernanda

    In Portugal we use to say that when we have fever that we must drink some winw, eat well and be covered with a hot blanket. I hope all of you get better soon.

  15. Hélida Menezes

    oh get well soon, all of you!

  16. Iris

    Sending you wishes for speedy recovery.

  17. Daine M

    Angie! I will keep you and your sweet little family in my prayers for healing. I remember those days long ago when everyone would be sick. It is so difficult when mama gets sick as well. I pray this will pass for you all quickly. I look forward to seeing what new projects you have completed and ideas for future projects. — d.

  18. Dorothy

    Angie I do hope you all get well very soon, it is horrible when everyone is so ill. Take care and I’ll say a little prayer for you all, don’t worry about us we will be all here waiting for you when you are well.
    Much love
    Dorothy 🙂 xx

  19. Andrea

    Praying for speedy recovery : ) Throw away your toothbrushes and get new ones otherwise you might reinfect yourself : )

  20. Brigitte

    Bon rétablissement à toute ta petite famille, take care !!!

  21. Cheryl

    Here I am all the way across the world in Katy Texas and I have a virus as well. It is hard to manage daily tasks but what else are we to do. I adore your blog and enjoy seeing and trying out some of your projects. Get well soon and remember to stay hydrated

  22. Sue

    It is hard looking after poorly children when you are poorly too. I hope that you all feel much better soon.

  23. sylvie

    soignez vous bien, vous et votre famille ! j’espère que les enfants se remettront vite, et que vous serez vite sur pieds !

  24. Lucie

    Dur, dur de soigner tout le monde quand on est malade soi-même… J’espère que ce méchant virus va vous lâcher et que tu vas pouvoir retrouver la forme rapidement. Courage !
    A très bientôt

  25. annie35

    Meilleure santé à toute la famille !

  26. Stocki

    Oh dear… hope you all feel better soon Angie… I think that bug is going around the whole world this month! *cough cough cough* :/ x

  27. Monique

    Angie, I hope you all get well very soon.
    Take care.

    Groetjes, Monique

  28. Ivani da Costa

    Dear Angie,
    As many people here use to say, there are days and days!
    I am sure very soon these bad moment will be gone, and soon all of you will be smiling and enjoying sunny days.
    My best wishes of a soon recovery, take good care of you!
    Hugs, Ivani/São Paulo/Brazil!

  29. Galina

    Переживаю за вас! Держитесь! Все будет хорошо! Желаю скорейшего выздоровления

  30. Barbara Reichard

    Sending wishes for a quick recovery for all your family. Husbands are worse than the kids….

  31. Annie

    Je suis désolée Sucrette,c’est sûr que quand on est malade,s’occuper de 3 petits malades et d’un mari,c’est pas la meilleure thérapie!!!j’espère que ces vilains virus vont vite fuir devant tous tes beaux ouvrages vitaminés,et je souhaite un bon rétablissement à toute la famille
    Gros bisous

  32. Marcia

    Desejo melhoras!

  33. Diane

    So sorry to hear your family has all been ill. It’s so hard…especially for the mama! I hope you are all well soon.

  34. cannellecha

    très bon rétablissement à vous et votre famille

  35. cheryl

    Bless you all, get well soon.

  36. Stitchy Mc Floss

    Oh, I hope you all get to feeling better soon. 🙂

    Hubby and I both got sick back during Christmas and it would not go away and only got worst, so we had to go to the dr’s to get meds to get rid of it. It was awful. Deep in the chest and hard to breathe. I will keep you all in my prayers. 🙂

    Blessings to you all .

  37. Larisa

    Hold on!!! You can make it and there will be GOOD DAYS very soon!!!!!!!

  38. Debbie

    Sending hugs and wishing you all well soon x

  39. Renate

    Wishing you and your loved ones a speedy recovery – sending lots of hugs and warm thoughts your way!

  40. anny

    mis mejores deseos de que se recuperen

  41. Debi

    Oh my. 🙁 🙁 🙁

    So hope all of you are back to feeling 100% before you know it!!!

  42. Jennifer

    I hope your family is feeling well soon, Angie. I understand how hard it is to care for sick children when you are also sick. Many hugs and healthy thoughts for all of you.

  43. Antonella

    Buona guarigione!!!! 🙂

  44. mamifoise

    J’espère de tout coeur que tout va revenir au calme et que tout le monde sera vite guérit
    Bon courage Angie et à bientôt

  45. carnam

    I know that feeling, although I have only one child, he can be exhausting like five…

    Get well soon, all of you! ♥ 🙂

  46. Caroline

    Bon courage, et bonne santé à toute la petite famille !!!
    caroline (France)

  47. beberouge

    I do so hope you start to feel better too. Nothing worse when you are sick and the kiddies are sick, very very hard work. Get better soon, xx

  48. Darlene Lehman

    So sorry to hear that you all have been ill. I know it can be so hard, especially when the caretaker is sick too! Hope you continue to recover. Best to you and the family!!

  49. Aunt Dee

    Prayers, prayers and more prayers are coming your way.
    You are the best to be able to take care of all when you are so miserable yourself. Hang in there and all of you will be feeling in the pink soon.
    Love toa ll.
    God bless

  50. Dorothy

    Thinking of you all …. get well soon. xoxox

  51. Emily

    I hope you and your family feel better soon 🙁

  52. Flo H

    Sweet Angie, So sorry all of you are ill the same time! Wishing you and family well very soon! In the USA, there has been a flu virus; They tell us to wash our hands often and disinfect our apartment living quarters often where I live. So many folks come and go here.120 apartments.
    Hugs and prayers.

  53. becky

    Drink pleny of fluids and I hope you all get better soon! Becky

  54. Lianne

    I hope you all get well soon! -x-

  55. Belfastchild

    Bon rétablissement à toi et à toute ta petite famille.
    Amitiés, Bel

  56. janine s

    Hope you get better soon, just have lots of rest and chocolates.

  57. kara

    Oh no … feel better 🙁

  58. Caroline

    Soignez-vous tous. Il parait que la grippe est très mauvaise cette année.
    Bon courage. A bientôt

  59. Lily

    Hi – I am sorry to hear you are all unwell. Its so hard to keep going when you are ill yourself as well. I hope you all get better really soon. Lily. xxx

  60. Caramere

    J espère tout tout va bien vite rentrer dans l ordre dans la famille. Et que bien vite nous lirons un joli mail colores. Bon rétablissementent à tous

  61. Debbie

    Ohhhh Lordy!!! Good thoughts of wellness and prayers to you and yours!!!!!! Just get well!!! xo

  62. Rieni

    I hope you and your family feel better soon.

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