Little pleasures…

October 16, 2012

Hello sweeties,

How are you? Hope everything is great in your part of the world …

It’s been a while but I am sure you can understand why… I’ve been so busy these days… not a minute for myself… but a positive kind of busy days 😉

Little Joe is time consuming but I am very happy…Even though my schedule is a little boring I just love it… cuddling, carrying, breastfeeding, whispering sweet little songs, not sleeping at all but I love it and I know that this won’t last and that I will regret these days one day … so I have to appreciate every second…

Here are some pics for you…some little pleasures in my ordinary life…

The beautiful sky of this morning…

Little crochet I’m trying to make…just a little bit when he sleeps in his bed and not on me :)…baby vests for my little angel…He’s wearing them a lot …keeping his little tummy warm 😉

I’ve finished a green one and just started a second one in a delicious baby blue yarn …

Little Joseph almost one month old 😉

I am in love…

and I melt with pleasure when he looks at me 🙂

  Hope you’re having little pleasures today 😉

Wishing you a wonderful time!

Kisses and hugs



  1. Aurélie

    Il est trop beau ce petit bout de chou !!!!! A croquer !

  2. wendy

    He is adorable, but of course you know that lol.
    Love his little vests.
    wendy in oz

  3. winkieflash

    Oh Sucrette, your baby boy is adorable! I can see why you’re in love with him 🙂 I hope all is well over in your part of the world, but it seems like the post-pregnancy and joy of a newborn is treating you well 🙂

  4. laure

    comme il est beau !!! tu as bien raison de profiter de ces petits moments de bonheur , ils grandissent si vite ces petits bouts !
    gros bisous!

  5. linda

    enjoy this special time!

  6. Madeleine

    Je suis heureuse d’avoir de vos nouvelles! Le petit Joseph a l’air drôlement éveillé, je pense que vous devez lui parler beaucoup!
    Vous avez raison de jouir de ce temps avec lui!

  7. Flo H

    How sweet, Enjoy Little Joe’s baby days and cooing as much as you can as the baby days goes so fast. The little things he learns in each month of growing and learning. Precious days. Missing you also. Take care, lots of hugs to you.

  8. Natalie

    He is so sweet and beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing!


  9. Rachel Lewis

    He is so sweet! I’m now 30 weeks pregnant with our second child – we have a little boy and we’re expecting a girl, and I’m looking forward to all of the same little pleasures! Enjoy x

  10. Marga

    What a lovely boy!!!!! I can amigine, that you are in love.
    Enjoy every day!!!

    Love, Marga

  11. Annie

    Oh Sucrette,comme il est beau et adorable ton petit Joseph!!!fais lui des gros calins pour moi!gros bisous

  12. Gwen

    What a beautiful baby – love and hugs to you both. xx

  13. Dorothy

    Little Joe is such a gorgeous baby and your pictures of him are lovely. His little vests look very cute. The blue yarn with those little brown flecks through it should look really good. xoxox

  14. Stocki

    Little Jo looks so happy and content…you are obviously a wonderful Mother Angie! Enjoy every minute… Jill xx

  15. Jo

    He’s stunning!! Nice crochet too, you must be one busy lady!! xxxxx

  16. anny

    Que adorable hermoso bebe, que Dios lo Bendiga

  17. Jean in NH

    Those cheeks! Oh my gosh what a beautiful little boy! Sounds like you are recovering nicely and enjoying Joseph. Babyhood passes so quickly!

  18. annie35

    On a envie de faire plein de bisous sur ces bonnes joues !!!

  19. Becky

    The vests are really nice, but…..Joe is absolutely beautiful. I think I would never get anything done because all I would do all day would be hold him and kiss those sweet cheeks.

  20. Debi Y.

    Little Joe is so adorable – and he looks so handsome in his crocheted vest. 🙂

  21. becky

    Made my day – I smiled at the pics of little Joe! Congratulations! Enjoy every moment. Becky

  22. Mary

    He is adorable! Makes me excited to meet our little guy in December. 🙂

  23. Fariba

    This is morning here in Alabama and I just came to work and read your blog post with these adorable pictures of Joseph. I have to tell you that you truly made my day with these pictures. He is like an angel….looking at his mama with his gorgous eyes..
    Enjoy every moment and thank you for sharing your happiness with all of us. You are giving each and every one of us lots of positive energy. Thank you my friend…

  24. Angélique

    Oh mille mercis pour ces “petits” moments de plaisir. Petit Joseph est superbe et les gilet lui vont a merveille. Moi aussi mes grenouilles dormaient souvent sur moi hihihi mais profite vraiment a fond car maintenant elles bougent trop MDR des bisous et douce journée

  25. Lucie

    Qu’il est beau ton Little Jo ! Comme tu le dis, il ne faut pas perdre une seconde de bonheur passée avec lui, ça passe si vite ! Je t’embrasse.

  26. Sue

    Joe is really sweet. I can tell that he is interested in the world around him.

    Enjoy your time with Joe as babies grow up so quickly.

  27. Ellen

    Thank you Angie. Your posts are one of the pleasures in my day.

  28. Alejandra

    Angie: el bebe es hermoso!!!!!!!!
    Disfruta de este momento pues como bien decís es irrepetible.
    Me alegraste el dia con esas fotos tan lindas. Bendiciones y un gran abrazo!!!!!
    Saludos desde Buenos Aires!!!!

  29. Liz

    Such a lovely boy, with those beautiful eyes!
    Enjoy each other!

  30. christine

    trop beau ce petit bout de choux

  31. Pammy Sue

    He is so adorable! Glad you are enjoying your time with him. I wish I could have that time back with my grown sons! Oh, how I would do things differently! Love & hugs…

  32. René

    Joe looks so cute in his crochet vests. Love those chubby cheeks

  33. Ethel

    Newborns are so amazing! And the vest is fab as well 🙂

  34. Maggie Hassett

    Hello Angie,
    I am so happy to hear from you again! Your Little Joe is such a handsome, healthy, and happy baby boy! I almost can’t believe he is one month old already!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos with us. I just love his big blue eyes and his cheeks! I can understand why your heart melts each time he looks up at you. I would too! 🙂 Little Joe looks so adorable in his vest. You are a very good mommy and Little Joe is so lucky to have you for his mother. It will be so nice to hear from you again when you have the time to blog and post some more pictures. Hugs & Kisses to you and your lovely family! 🙂

  35. domi

    il est superbe et je comprends que tu sois en adoration devant lui!!!! bisous à little joseph et à toi aussi!!!! Domi

  36. cristina

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! beautiful moments….! Congratulations, your baby is the best!

  37. Kara

    He is so precious!! Congratulations 🙂

  38. Marleen

    ooooooh your baby looks so sweet!!! Good for you that you’re already so active, already back to crocheting!! I hope all is well with you and that despite all the tension you can enjoy the small things in life (that are the most important after all!) love from Turkey, -x- M

  39. Tabby P.

    Oh Angie!! How can you stand it! He is so gorgeous! I love his little vests, so precious. Wishing you get some sleep soon.
    Hugs and love to you!

  40. Stephanie B.

    So sweet!

  41. Tammy

    Hi Angie, I hope all is well. Very sad to hear of the car bomb in Beirut. I wish everyone could just live in peace. Your little Joe is so precious! He’s so sweet in his little handmade vests. Best wishes, Tammy

  42. Soleil

    So cute your little angel, Angie! Thank you for giving us a pleasure admire your baby! Kisses to you and Joe…
    How are your girls?
    Hug you… kisses…
    Olga ♥

  43. Citlali

    Hi, congratulations on your baby, it’s beautiful to be around you as you sleep, I have a baby one year old.

  44. Ainara

    I sew bad news from your country. I hope you and your family are ok and that everything will come back to the normality asap.
    A big hug for all of you!!

  45. nathalie

    Hi Lovely pictures love your work found you from attic24.
    Congratulations on your son.
    Just wanted to ask you the picture of the buildings is it in Lebanon?
    I seem to recognize the view of Lebanese mountains.
    If so, its nice to meet you.

  46. elena

    So lovely childreen so cute jacket!

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