Paintings and more

August 16, 2012

Good morning,

A BIG BIG thank you from my mum to all of you for your wonderful comments concerning her projects 🙂

Today, I want to show you two small finished paintings…

They are small, quick to make but I enjoyed painting them a lot…

I hope you liked them 🙂

I managed to make some progress on the baby bedspread too even though I’m spending most of my time watching the news… and praying…

The political situation is awful here and we are so afraid of another civil war 🙁

Please do join me in my prayers for my little country ….

Kisses to all!



  1. Elsa

    Hi Angie

    I love to read your blog and enjoy your lovely colorful photos and ideas.

    I don’t know where you live, but i pray that you will be safe and happy.


  2. Martina

    Very nice paintings. I loved very much the baby cloths made by your mother. By the moment I crochet my 3rd baby blanket according to your pattern. I wish the best for you and your family

  3. Carolyn Geoffrey

    Angie, your paintings are so sweet. I love them very much. And the baby bedspread is spectacular. You are so talented!

    Your country and all your countrymen are in my prayers. I hope and pray your country’s problems can be resolved amicably.

    Texas, USA

  4. Claire

    Beautiful, colourful paintings and the blanket is looking lovely!

    Am thinking of you and hoping for peace.


  5. Catherine

    I just love coming to your blog. Everyday there is something new to enjoy. Your two paintings are beautiful! Thank you for bringing me back to the Granny Square. Your colors are wonderful and I am finding that I am turning to doing more granny patterns in my crochet projects. I have 4 baby blankets to make and they will all be made with The Granny in mind.


  6. Natalie

    Oh, my,

    I’m so sorry about your worries. God bless you and your country.


  7. Madeleine

    Thanks so much for sharing! We certainly will pray for you and your country!

  8. Fiona

    Your paintings are absolutely stunning, what a talent you have. Your crochet is, of course, amazing too. Thinking of you, I had no idea you lived in a country with political turmoil… I had thought you were possibly Greek? but when you’re expecting or have small children the worry multiplies. I hope your creativity can channel some of your worries and add a little bit of peace to every day for you. Why can’t the world “get on” It’s even worse when people in the same country can’t live together, so sad. Fiona (KnitKnatKnotUK)

  9. domi

    colours of your blog are marvelous, i love come to read your comments. They make me a good day. Bises and have a good day

  10. Anya

    Flowers and houses are my best things. Yours are so nice and pretty.

    I like read your blog. It’s so color and brightly, so happy. I’m worried about your and your country. I hope that war won’t be.

    With the best regards,

  11. Sue

    Your blanket looks very good and I love the colours.

    I have been wondering how things have been in your country. I know that you are worried especially as you have young children. I hope that things don’t get any worse.

  12. Teresa

    Beautiful paintings. Keeping you and your country in my prayers.

  13. becky

    I love your paintings!!!!!! Beautiful flowers; and, your bedspread is also beautiful. What pattern are you using for your bedspread? I pray you and your country will resolve your problems and everyone will live in peace. Becky, Missouri

  14. Ellen

    Your work is all so colorful and cheerful. Thank you so much for sharing, it brightens my day. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your country at this difficult time.
    Wisconsin, USA

  15. Angélique

    Du fond du coeur je prie pour toi, ta famille et les habitants de ton pays! Il faut que les guerres cessent et que la paix entre dans les maisons (je sais c’est idylique mais j’ai envie d’y croire)
    TU a toujours habité dans ce pays?
    Tes peintures sont merveilleuses et le plaid trés coloré sont trés joyeux et pleins de gaiété.
    Bisous. Angélique, Québec, Canada

  16. Carol

    I pray with you that peace may reign in your country. These are such hard times.

  17. mamifoise

    Très jolies peintures et les affaires de ta maman aussi étaient très sympa
    Je pense beaucoup à toi soit courageuse pense à ton bébé à venir et je souhaite de tout que tout s’arrange pour ton pays
    Je t’embrasse

  18. Debby

    I have been wondering if your part of Lebanon is affected by the horrors going on in Syria.Everytime a report is sent from Lebanon I think of you and hope you are as far away as possible from any trouble.Such turmoil must be so stressful for you and I send you much love for an end to all this very, very soon as it is heartbreaking to see so much fear in people and life shouldn’t be like this.
    On a lighter note, I hope your wonderful talents at craft bring you a little distraction and happiness and also know that many people are praying for peace in your area of the world.Take care.Debby.xx

  19. Any de Chile


    Como siempre todo muy lindo…..


  20. Debi

    Oh my, I so hate hearing how stressful and frightening things are for you right now. I didn’t know where you lived until now. My heart and mind are aching for you all, but they will also be full of positive thoughts for you and your family and your country. You are such a lovely person, Angie. Your sweet spirit shows through your blog posts and all your lovely creations! I think it’s quite something special that you’re still creating such beauty in such a stressful time. Please take care.

  21. Joyce

    You and your situation will be in my prayers. How hard to be looking forward to the joy of a new little one and the unrest of your country. Your work, as always, is so beautiful.

  22. NikkiM

    Hi Angie,
    Thinking of you! Hope all will be well! Stay calm! Not a nice place to be when things are not well in the Country! We can only pray for you and your family and the peolple who make these choices!
    Lots of Love

  23. Lucie

    Je pense très fort à toi et vais prier pour ton pays et tous les Libanais pour que la paix l’emporte !

  24. Flo H

    Oh Angie, I’m so sorry for what’s been going on with your country. I pray that the dear Lord can show your countrymen the right way to solve thier problems. Try to keep calm, I know it’s hard to do when something like this is on your mind. I was 12 to 14 years old when we had WW2 {world war 2} air raids and such, I had 2 brothers and a sister in the armed service then; Airforce and Navy. Very scary.
    Take care and rest up for the new baby boy.
    Hugs, Flo

  25. Andrea

    Lovely paintings. Every time I see one of your paintings I want to buy a canvas and give it a try. Praying for safety for you and your family.

  26. kara

    Gorgeous paintings! And I love how the baby blanket looks too … all so colorful!

  27. anny

    La colcha divina y las pinturas geniales

  28. Annika

    Hi Angie,

    your paintings are really really beautiful. Love them. <3

    I hope so, that you, your family and all other countrymens don´t have a civil war and can be in the future lucky. I don´t praying, but i hope hope hope it so for you!

    Lovely greats,

  29. Maggie Hassett

    Oh, Angie – My heart aches for you and your lovely family and for your country. I just finished saying a pray and asked that peace will be restored to your country soon. You should only be concentrating now on delivering a beautiful, bouncing, and a healthy baby boy. Turn off your television for the most part of each day and continue to make more granny squares for your baby’s blanket and/or create more beautiful paintings and other crafts to do with your daughters to put around your lovely home. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Sending Hugs & Kisses,

  30. cunitia

    How wonderful! Such a lovely blanket! Hope you and your baby(and your mum and the rest of your family) doing well and hopefully all the politicians in your country work hard to keep peace! Why on earth do we always have to fight??
    All the best

  31. Susan Greenhow

    I thought of you when the news report was on today, take care, keep safe, I will pray for you and your family and hope the politicians stay sensible.
    Susan x
    PS love your paintings!

  32. Karen

    Great paintings Angie, I love them 🙂
    Karen x

  33. Patricia

    I do so enjoy reading your blog – your art and crochet adds a bit of colorful happiness to each and every day for me. Keep aware and stay safe and know that you are in the prayers of all of us.

    Virginia, USA

  34. Jan

    Love the paintings, bright and cheerful, they make me happy just looking at them. You have a very good eye for colour.
    We see these reports on television and we don’t see the normal everyday things that have to still go on, lives still have to be lived in all that uncertainty. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
    Blessings and prayers are sent your way.


  35. Tracy Marie

    Love your paintings – so bright and cheerful! Keeping you, your family, and your country in my prayers for a peaceful resolution to any political conflicts!

  36. Alejandra

    Hermosos cuadros!!!!! Vamos a rezar juntas cada día y así estaremos unidas. No te hagas problemas y cuida esa panza . Bendiciones y muchos besos.
    Alejandra. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

  37. marcela

    Que lindos trabajos, el cuarto del bebé esta precioso, se nota todo el amor que le dedicas.Recemos a Dios, por que se solucionen los conflictos de la mejor manera. Un abrazo desde Argentina.

  38. Lyn Z...

    Love, Light, Comfort, and Grace…..
    Adding my prayers for a peaceable solution to yours for a quick and nonviolent resolve to your countries issues…….

  39. Raluca

    I found your blog a couple of months ago and I really enjoy reading it. From your posts I realize that you are a person with positive thinking and I believe that in these tense moments all you can do is keep your calm and optimism mainly for your baby boy. I know it`s easy to say when I`m not there in your situation …but let`s hope that the right people will take the right decision very soon.
    Blessings to you and your family!
    Raluca, Bucharest (Romania)

  40. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    Hola Angie,
    Your painting are so refreshing and cheerful!
    Thanks for shearing!
    besos xx

  41. Fay

    Very pretty paintings and congratulations on your pregnancy 🙂

  42. Fay

    Oops wrong link to my website.

  43. Diana

    Ahh, the things that your mother has made for the baby are adorable! I so enjoy your blog and all of your colorful creations. I am sending up prayers for you and your family that you will be safe and that your country will find peace!

  44. Rima

    Bonjour ,très jolis ces petits tableaux,colorés et naifs..comme je voudrais que tous ces peuples qui font la guerre cessent..pourquoi cette haine,vivre tranquillement ,pour que tous le monde soit heureux..bonne journée.

  45. Stel

    Oh, Angie, hoping that things get better there! We’re also not having a great week in South Africa, but nothing compared to up there.

  46. Natas Nest

    Wooow, so beautiful! I really love your paintings :-))

  47. Annie

    Your paintings are so lovely. I pray that you will be left in peace in your country and that you will be blessed.

  48. Esther

    Ugh, truely horrible! I am hoping for you that things will calm down soon.

  49. Vivian

    Love your blog! I hope the trouble stays as far away as it can from you and your family. Its no fun to be so close to a war. I wished that the whole world could do without pain, horror and war. Life would be so much happier for everybody. Maybe if the whole world would be as colourfull as your home, people wont need to make others sad. Love from the netherlands.

  50. Shirley

    Your colourful paintings and blog always brighten my day. I am praying for your country and for your lovely family. May God send his guardian angels to keep you and all your loved ones safe, and may God guide all the politicians and give them wisdom in these troubled times. Love and blessing always from the UK xx

  51. Taciana Simmons

    I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment before… I do am praying for you tonight and will continue to do so… I cannot even imagine being in this situation…I hope you are far away from all the turbulence and that God protect you and your family. I’m so glad you have something that you love to do and that keeps your mind away from all the stress. Your paintings are beautiful!

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