Just a quiet afternoon…

May 30, 2012

Ohhhhhh WOW WOW WOW! I am really really astonished by all your wonderful comments! Wow! I was more than happy reading each and everyone of them 🙂 They made my heart sing with joy and I wished I could send the prize to each and everyone 🙂 OH WOOOW: 338 comments so far 🙂 I am so lucky to have you 🙂 Thank you! Thank you my friends! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The pics of this post were taken on sunday afternoon:

It was a perfect afternoon…the girls were with their father playing in the garden…and I was alone on the terrace…

enjoying sitting surrounded by flowers … quietly…

and crocheting a little…

concentrating a lot…

Trying to create something “wearable”…

for the little one inside my tummy …

And as I was really enjoying my little hour of quiet in this busy and noisy sunday…the sun went down…

and it was one of the most perfect sunset I’ve ever seen…

so I said a little thankful prayer as I was so blessed  to be alive and “in peace” with myself enjoying sinple pleasures…

 in this strange world…

Have a blessed day wherever you are 🙂


P.S: The giveaway is still running and it will be over on Monday4. You can still participate by leaving a comment HERE! Come on! Don’t be shy! I love hearing from you 😉


  1. Lina

    Angie, les larmes me sont montées aux yeux à la vue de ce magnifique coucher de soleil…. Le ciel de mon pays me manque tellement…
    Je suis contente que tu aies pu profiter d’un peu de repos en ce dimanche après midi, moi aussi j’ai 2 enfants et je sais à quel point des moments de calme sont précieux !!!
    Ton ventre s’est bien arrondi 🙂 j’espère que ta grossesse se passe bien. By the way, when is your due date?
    Je t’embrasse Angie et encore merci de partage ton beau monde coloré avec nous!!

  2. Misty

    Dearest Angie,
    I love the tummy. Hubby thinks your having a truck, I say a linebacker. We’re both so happy for you. I just love the garden, your flowers are beautiful. Can’t wait to see what your making for the wee one. Take care of yourself and the wee one.
    Happy Thoughts,
    Misty and Pets.

  3. Annie

    Jolies photos Angie,merci,et ton petit bidon tout rond,trés émouvant…gros bisous

  4. Mo

    What a beautiful set of photos Angie and a beautiful bump developing there too 😀
    That sunset was just glorious! You truly are blessed and be surrounded by such a lovely home, beautiful flowers and that awesome sky to view 😀
    Bless your heart a thousand times and may all be well and at peace with you 🙂
    Love Mo x

  5. Annemarie

    Oooh, nice bump, Angie! Congratulations on this very special WIP. Also congratulations on getting to witness such a gorgeous sunset.

  6. Dorothy

    Oh, your terrace is so beautiful – what a lovely spot to relax and do a bit of crochet. Your ‘bump’ is looking good – not long to go now ??

  7. annie35

    Belles images de quiétude, jolies fleurs, beau petit ventre !!!!

  8. Darya

    What a lovely garden you have! All the flowers are just gorgeous! I’m dreaming of having a lot of flowers in my own garden too, but at the moment it’s just grass and two gooseberry bushes there…
    And by the way, congratulations! You’ve got a nice bump and I’m shure there is a nice and lovely little person in there 🙂
    Take care and good luck with your crochet. Really want to see how it’s going to look in the end 🙂

  9. Angélique

    Félicitations pour cette belle princesse qui va arriver elle a de la chance car elle a une maman super douée et trés créative 😉 bonne journée

  10. Paula

    Your garden looks as colourful as your house. I love the sunset. I love taking photos of sunsets there is something rather beautiful and calming about them.

  11. Daine M

    You are right, the sunset was phenomenal!! Your baby boy is blessed to enjoy the sweet, tranquil moments you treasure. Continue to take time to “smell the roses”! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

  12. becky

    Thanks for submitting the photos, Angie. The sunset was beautiful and your flowers are colorful – just like your creations! Quiet moments are the best to appreciate life! Becky

  13. Darlene

    I can almost feel the relaxation coming through the air waves… thank you so much for sharing. Thank you so much for just being the wonderfully colorful person that you are!! Wishing you all well.

  14. Laura Hamilton

    Your belly is so cute! I miss being pregnant! Sounds like you had a great day!

  15. Teresa

    Look at your tummy!!! Thanks for sharing your relaxing day.

  16. Anna

    Hi Angie,
    Love the tummy pics!!!!
    The terrace is beautiful, and the sunset, wow!!!

    Take care.

  17. Cheryl


  18. Stocki

    Awwww Angie… what a beautiful bump! So lovely to see how big your baby is getting. I think I know what you are making… if I am right it is going to be very, very sweet! Fantastic response to your giveaway… and well deserved of course! Hugs, (with arms stretched to go round you and the bump now) :), Jill x

  19. Carmen

    Congratulations!! Wonderful pics!! I love the flowers…

  20. Maggie Hassett

    Good Morning Angie! Thank you for sharing your photos with your fans! Your terrace is just blooming with gorgeous flowers! Love the stone work too! So relaxing indeed to sit outside and work on your craft with that incredible view! What a nice surprise that you showed us your baby bump!!! HOW ADORABLE!!!!! He looks so nice and comfy inside your tummy, just like his mommy! I hope all is well with your entire family! You are all so Blessed! 🙂

  21. DILOU91

    Bon soirée avec du repos bien mérité et quel joli petit ventre!!!! Dilou

  22. Shari

    What a delightful place to spend a quiet afternoon!! You are blessed!!

  23. cristina

    Muy lindo tu día !!!
    Mucha suerte con” la pancita”…siempre te leo, aunque no dejo comentario porque no sé si podrás leerlo
    Me gustaría participar del sorteo!!
    Un fuerte abrazo

  24. Tammy

    I can see that your little one is getting bigger and bigger. Your terrace is lovely and it sounds like a perfect afternoon. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  25. Lianne

    Wonderful tummy, and what a bliss to spent a quite hour in a surrounding like that!

  26. Karen

    ♥♥♥ Your terrace and your flowers and their containers are just gorgeous !!
    What are you making for Sweet Baby ? Love the colour !!

  27. Lilea

    So nice that you had a quiet afternoon to be able to put your feet up and relax. Enjoy your baby growing time!

  28. anny

    Me encanta el jardin, las flores, el atardecer, tu tejido crochet y la panza divina

  29. Alejandra

    Hola!!!!!! Gracias por compartir esos momentos únicos e irrepetibles.!! Es la quietud que precede a un nacimiento. Madre e hijo en un estado tan intimo!!!! Hermosas las fotos. Gracias , gracias por dejarme ver tu patio y tus trabajos.
    Cariños Desde Buenos Aires. Besitos y bendiciones!!!!!!!!!

  30. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    Angie you are pregnant! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. NikkiM

    Hi Angie
    Love the flowers on the patio in the pots! They are beautiful! How do you do it? I just cannot get it right!

  32. Patrícia

    congratulations for the baby
    your crochets are very colourful and beautiful, I like them very much
    I invite you to visit my blog and see the things I do, magiadoslavores.blogspot.com

  33. Paula Sell

    I’m new to the blog world. I have found the most amazing photos and crafts and I don’t know if I have enough time to check all them out. Ha ha. Congrats on your little newbie in the belly. They are a joy and a tester of patience. Enjoy your quiet time now. I have a 6 & 5 year old and they keep me running. You have a beautiful porch area and your flowers are amazing. I try with the whole flower thing and they die, I think I water them too much oops. I like all the patterns the colors are so vivid and inviting and happy. I used to just crochet with plain colors and since I have visited other people and their blogs like yours it has opened me up to a whole new world of yarn. I immediately found the yarn shops close to me. I was like a kid in a candy shop truly. Amazing. Thank you so much for your blog and your patterns and the wonderful pics. I enjoy seeing others creations and ideas. Keep them coming I will be coming back! Take care of yourself with the little one, sometimes us moms forget we need time too. Paula 🙂

  34. Andrea

    What a beautilful terrace! And it’s great to see your baby boy is growing and growing….:) Have a lovely day Angie 🙂

  35. vero


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