Isn’t it too colorful?

May 2, 2012


How are you?

Two days ago, a friend passed by for a visit. A friend I had not seen for a long time and who’s living in France. When visiting my place, she asked with a weird tone: Isn’t it too colorful?

And these few words made me think about my place…Isn’t it too colorful? Was I doing too much? putting too much colors everywhere? Does my hubby like this sweet colorful home or he don’t tell anything to not hurt my feelings?

I was thinking and thinking about all these things and had a headache at the end …

I just love my home…I love every corner of it…but people keep saying to me that it is too colorful…sometimes they don’t tell directly…but they make sentences that hide this idea in them…

and sometimes people influence strongly our thoughts…You can tell to yourself that you don’t care … that you and your family’s opinions only counts but this does not prevent you to think and rethink about your decorating taste…

Sometimes, when it is late at night and the lights are on inside my neighbours homes I sit and imagine what do their interior looks like behind these windows…I love this game…it is one of my favorites 🙂 I imagine how their place is decorated…do they have colorful walls…colorful paintings…colorful sofas or everythink is gray or beige? do they care about what people tell or not at all?

and you? do you have colorful homes?  (I would really love to see some pics of your colorful  interiors 🙂 )

Do people tell you that it is too colorful? does this makes you think about your decorating taste or you don’t care at all?

Have a colorful day!



  1. Duchy Girl

    It is not too colourful for me. It is not overwelmed because you have keep the wall in plain colour. I think friends might not see so many colours in one place, maybe not used to it? It brighten up the room also cheerful place to be. I am rely on more visual than hearing so I am used to it and your room might have shocked or awake their visual persecptive. Hope my comments are helpful 🙂

  2. Chris

    I don’t think it’s too colourfull and even if I did, It’s your home
    my home is very different

  3. Karin

    I think your home is wonderful! I love love love all the colours and the pictures always brighten my days. I would love a home like yours!

  4. Caroline D

    Je ne trouve pas votre maison trop colorée, au contraire c’est gai et lumineux. Et puis c’est votre reflet. Ne changez rien!

  5. Jeannette

    It is your home. When you feel good, it is ok.
    Would you want to live in a place, totally in black and white?
    Some people would.
    Enjoy your home!

  6. Marie

    J’adore ta maison pleine de couleurs. C’est moi, ce n’est pas très coloré, mais c’est parce que ma déco remonte à… environ 30 ans, qu’à l’époque, il n’y avait pas beaucoup de couleurs… Il va falloir que je refasse tout petit à petit, et alors, il y aura plein de couleurs !
    Bonne journée (chez moi sous un ciel uniformément gris et la pluie…)

  7. Sandra

    Oh aren’t people hurtful with their thoughtless comments. I guess if you thought it was too colorful you would change it, or wouldn’t have made it this way to begin with. I really hope you stay true to you and yours. To me it looks like there is a lot of love inside your walls.
    I love all the work you share with us

  8. Lucie

    Toi, ton mari et tes filles vous sentez bien dans votre intérieur très coloré et c’est le principal ! A chacun de trouver l’univers qui lui convient et de le créer sans se référer à la mode ou au goût général adopté.
    J’adore ta maison telle qu’elle est même si personnellement je me sens bien chez moi dans un univers très rétro entourée de choses anciennes. Mes enfants quant à eux, ont choisi pour leur appartement un décor très moderne de verre et d’inox. Il en faut pour tous les goûts et toutes les sensibilités. Si tu te sens bien chez toi, c’est énorme et l’essentiel !

  9. Annie

    Merveilleux décor trés chaleureux trés gai et coloré,bravo!!bisous

  10. Fiona

    Angie, it’s a personal thing. Yes, your home is much more colourful than mine, but that doesn’t mean your home is too colourful!! I don’t think it’s important what other people think about your home as long as you love it and it feels like home to you and your family. The colours you choose and the way you decorate probably reflect your personality – I get the impression you are very happy with your life and this shows in your home.

  11. MARIA

    Angie, you must be part Mexican (I am). My home is as colorful as yours, just in a different way. I’m not talented enough to paint like you, but my wall decorations and pillows, furniture etc. is as colorful as yours. Don’t worry what others think. Just because their homes may be boring, yours doesn’t have to be.

    Love you……..

  12. kesam katz

    DEFINITELY NOT TOO COLORFUL–looks just right to me–a happy place to live.

  13. Helen

    I would love my home to be as colourful as yours! Maybe I’ll get there one day. Too many people seem to think colour is dangerous, I don’t know what they think will happen to them, maybe get a personality????
    xXx Helen

  14. Tracey

    Ahhh Angie x In fact, you answered your own question…”I just love my home…I love every corner of it…” Truly, that is all that matters. Personally I LOVE your home too. It’s full of love and fun and comfort. Isn’t that what a home should be? x

  15. Stel

    Girl, it’s YOUR house. If you like your coours, that’s the only thing that matters.
    I, for one, don’t how people live in a minimalistic monotone tomb.

  16. HillyT

    Your home is beautiful and a real reflection of you as a person. I am on a mission to bring more colour to my home (at least in some areas) and so I see your home as inspirational.

  17. Jerriann

    I think sometimes people are just afraid of color. Be proud of what you have done and are inspiring many many people to do as well.
    Peace and love

  18. Jerriann

    Ps. I painted my last livingroom pink. A lovely deep pink. While I was doing it my mother in law came over and said “how many walls are you doing??” I said ” All of them”
    It looked great!

  19. Anne

    I think your home looks cosy, warm and colourful. If you and your family love your home that is all that matters! Me personally? I love colour too. X

  20. Barbina

    Hi Angie! Your home is such a warm and happy place to live in! Don´t care what other people might think about it. My home is just like yours and I´m proud of it! You are putting so much love in everything you are doing and this makes it all so special.
    Hugs and kisses to you! Barbina

  21. chris richards

    I adore your home, and I am very busy crocheting as fast as I can so that I can make my home more colourful !
    Be proud of your lovely home !
    chris richards

  22. Ivani da Costa

    Angie, I love your blog and the things you do. I love the colours, when you put colours in your crafts, you put life inside them. Your paintings are beautiful, you have your own style, as Brazilian artist Romero Britto. Congratulations! Go on this way, your decoration is fantastic. Ivani from São Paulo/Brazil!

  23. Ana

    Ta maison est parfaite comme elle est! En plus, c’est TA maison et tu vie comme tu veux. Chez moi chaque chambre a d’autres coulours. On est rien sans couleurs!

  24. Sasha

    I don’t think it’s too colorfull. I think people may think so, becuase they are not used to it. When a person lives in the dark for long time and then he sees the light, he thinks that it’s too bright

  25. Carla


    I love all the colour in your home. My home is equally as colourful and I get so much pleasure when I look around. Some of us just seem to need an abundance of colour and by not giving into those desires, you are not truly being yourself so go with what you love, I say. Carla

  26. Stocki

    Hi Angie,
    What a funny thing to say to you! All I can see is gorgeous, creative colour in your home. If your walls and your sofa were patterned, then it might look too much… but as it is, it is gorgeous! I imagine that your friends house would be cream and beige… as many are at the moment… so generic and sooooooo boring! Try taking all your beautiful creations out of your room and see how you feel… I bet you would put them all back within 5 minutes! Hugs, Jill x

  27. paula

    I like your mix of colours and patterns and don’t think it’s too much but that’s up to you and your family to decide whether you need to tone it down or not. What’s important is that you and your family feel comfortable and happy in the environment you’ve created.

  28. Happybee

    colorful=joyful so…isn’t too colorful at all!!! :O)

  29. annie35

    La maison respire le bonheur !!! Il n’y a jamais trop de couleurs dans la vie ! J’envoie du grand soleil de Bretagne ! Bonne journée

  30. Mo

    Hi Angie
    I LOVE your colourful, wonderful, talent and love filled home 😀 I too am on a mission to bring more colour to my home
    In my kitchen I have this and this
    There aren’t many pictures on the wall as I save those spaces for when my little boy makes his own art and then they go on the walls in all their colourful glory 😀
    If it weren’t for the inspiration of people like you I would probably still be living in my boring blues/beige/creams home. It is much happier the way it is now 😀
    Mo x

  31. Nata

    Oh, please don’t change anything as long as you feel well with your home! It’s YOUR home. Your style, your life, your love, your personality, simply YOU :-). Colors bring so much fun, light and cosiness, why put them away? If people feel good with boring paleness, it’s o.k., everyone to his taste. But I love colorfulness and try to spread it over my home, too. Your beautiful creativity makes your home really snugly, keep at it!!

  32. tiflipt'

    Well, I’m the wrong person to ask because to me, it can’t be too colorful ! I just looooooooooooove it !

  33. gaia

    Don’t you think the people’S lives who criticize you are so plain? so colourless? I think colour brings happiness and joy….Your kids are so lucky to live in a home as such and I know how happy my son gets when he sees the colourful blankets I crochet for him and loves to play with the colourful yarn.

  34. tammy

    I have to say, I LOVE all the bright cheerful colors in your home. It looks like a happy place to me. I used to clean homes before my back surgeries and most of them are filled with monochromatic colors. Very boring, very plain. Your home is light, bright and happy. Perhaps people just aren’t used to that but it doesn’t mean its too colorful. Its bold! Please don’t change a thing!

  35. derya

    Hi Angie, Your home was wonderful, very sweet and pleasant. Table is already very liked your work, great 🙂

  36. beberouge

    I LOVE your home!!! I find the more creating I do the more colour that seems to creep into my house, I find all my creative friends love it and find my home a delight to the senses but other friends I think are a little intimidated by some things eg the fact all my kitchen chairs are a different colour and I’m in the process of painting my fridge. But I too love my home, though I do worry people will start to think I have to much crochet but then I look at your house and Lucy’s at Attic 24 and realise I totally Love all my crochet and I do not have anywhere near enough. Keep injecting the colour I know it makes me happy and my home feel so much more cosy

  37. Debi

    NOOOO!!! It’s definitely not too colorful!!! It’s perfectly colorful and happy and cheerful. I understand what you mean about it being hard to ignore other people’s comments, but do remember that everyone has different tastes and I’ll bet for every person who might think your home is too colorful there’s another who thinks it’s positively beautiful!!! We just moved to a new (to us) home and I must say that YOU have inspired me to fill it with much more color than our old home. And for that I’m grateful. 🙂

  38. Maaike

    Every room in my little house has a different colout on the wall, so … it’s never too colourfull! 🙂

  39. Kate

    I LOVE the colors…I”ve started doing something similar in my living room and it makes me feel so cheerful! just go by how you feel and think. THat’s all that matters. And your little girls will be inspired by you 🙂

  40. domi

    no I love colorful like that!!!!!! It’s different that you see everywhere!!!!

  41. becky

    Angie, I love how your home looks! All the beautiful colors makes me smile! It looks happy and comfortable and you keep neat. My home is plain, but, that’s just how it is. I honestly smile every time I see a picture of your home…magnificent! Becky

  42. Betty Guyomarch

    c’est ta famille et toi qui vivent dans la maison, alors l’essentiel est que vous vous y sentiez bien ! La couleur c’est la vie !

    gros bisous

  43. Laura

    No it is not to colorful. Our homes are reflection of ourself, Which makes you and your family warm, wonderful cheery bright people. if your husband thought so, I believe he would say something. Also remember you are expecting so hormones can make women a bit sensitive to self perchived negative comments.

  44. Lily

    Hi – your home is beautiful. Don’t let people put you off. There seems to be so many people that feel superior because they like muted or bland colours. If they do, then thats OK for them, but they shouldn’t make you feel under confident in your choices. A few years ago i painted my walls dark red and hung them with Tibetan thangkas; most people would not like this but I didn’t care! Your home looks lovely. lily. xxx

  45. Lauren

    NO, it is not “too colorful”….it is warm, inviting and beautiful. Color awakens the soul, in my opinion. I find your use of color INSPIRATIONAL!

  46. Margaret

    Nice and cosy for me,


  47. Jean in NH

    Maybe it is too colorful for HER taste, but I keep reading how happy you are in your home with all of its loving colorful touches. The colorful aspect of your work is why I subscribed to your blog – it is not too colorful for MY taste.

    Thank you for bringing color to my little corner of the world. Your friend needs to keep her opinions to herself.

  48. mimi70

    j’adore ! l’essentiel est que l’on se sente bien dans sa maison ! Même si cela ne plaît pas aux autres, c’est pas grave ! En plus, je trouve que les couleurs choisies sont très gaies et apportent de la bonne humeur! Il ne faut pas se laisser trop influencer et faire comme on en a envie ! Moi j’adore !!!

  49. Bárbara Isenberg Grzybowski

    I don’t think that your house is too colorful, I think it probably reflects you and your family, and isn’t that what a home should be?!!

    And I also love imagining how others decorate their homes…

  50. Hand made knitwear

    Can you stand one more comment? We are in our 6th house! Every house was styled and painted for resale…..beige! This is my last house and it is wonderful! Living room, dining room and hall is YELLOW! Entryway is WATERMELON! Bathroom, yellow and CHOCOLATE! Bedroom RED! Family room ORANGE! I could go on, but you get the idea! How beige your visitors personalities must be! That’s way they have chosen you as a friend… balance their own selves!


  51. Lita

    I love the colours and wish I was as brave with my decorating but I’m learning from you! The colours compliment your sunny disposition. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s too colourful I think it’s perfect! Time enough to grow old and beige, lol.

  52. Shannon

    Your house is absolutely beautiful especially because it is a true reflection of who you are~creative, colorful, wonderful…sometimes people don’t “get it” but thats just within themselves – they have trouble “stepping outside of the box” so to speak…I know how you feel though, I often question whether I have “too much” going on..color, whimsy, art, and vintage treasures…my own house is definitely not traditional but it is, such as yours is, happy, fun, enchanting and I think visitors no matter their comments can feel and appreciate that too!

  53. MiLinda

    Your home is beautiful. It is cheerful and creative. It is filled with things you have made with your hands and things that you love.

    Your home is an inspiration to those of us who love to surround ourselves with things that bring life and colour into our lives. So often the world outside our homes is stressful why not create a home that when you walk in you feel inspired to be creative.

    Pay no mind to what others say.

  54. Akhila

    I love the colorfulness in your home. Its your house you can do it any way you please. My interior design is not so colorful but trust me if I had talent like you it would be and I would not care what others say. People are just so bold these days. Remember this never ever change for anyone else. This is you and this is what you love so do you and be happy. By the way my ripple is coming along thanks to you..please do stop by myblog.

  55. Elena

    I think your place looks cheerful.

  56. Teresa

    I love all the color and obviously you love it too. Celebrate your style!!

  57. Andrea

    Dear Angie,

    How rude of your friend. My decorating style is very contemporary with clean lines, more muted colors, bright yellow walls in the kitchen with blue accents, but looking at your pictures makes me smile. Your place looks so welcoming and fresh.

    I decided a long time ago that visitor to my house are just that. They don’t have to like what I did and I don’t have to like in theirs, but we need to be respectful and accepting. Everybody is different and has their reasons why they decorate the way they do.

    Keep on doing what you are because it makes you happy. Happy mom, happy husband, happy children.

    Yours, Andrea

  58. Debi Y.

    Your house is beautiful – if it makes you happy, then that’s all that counts. 🙂

  59. Renate

    Dear Angie,
    Let me join in all those comments on how wonderful your home is – and most important, how happy you feel in every corner! And that is what matters.
    Color is life! Don’t listen to envious criticism – those people probably have such a boring life!


  60. Maggie Hassett

    Hello Angie! The following thoughts went through my mind as I was reading your blog:
    How many years have you both been friends? If she was a good friend then she would know just how creative and talented you are and that you use colors!!!! Also, a good friend would not be so mean and mock what you have done in your own home!!! For goodness sake! I think your friend is a bit GREEN WITH ENVY & JEALOUSLY!!! Just totally ignore her very rude comment and continue to liven up your world (and ours) with your beautiful designs!!!


  61. Kathy USA Michigan

    Love seeing all the colors that you bring into your home with your paintings & crochet. For years I kept my mother’s colorful knitted afghans carefully tucked away, but since reading your & others’ wonderful blogs, I have brought them all out, put my own out too, and now they are everywhere. We are wrapped in color & the memories that the pieces bring every time we look at them. Don’t worry what others think of your home. If you love what you see, that’s all that matters.

  62. Gina

    Its beautiful! One day I want my home to be accented with beautiful creations of mine too!

  63. anny

    Hola!! Tu casa es bellisisma, llena de color, creatividad y alegria, a mi en lo personal me encanta, tienes un bello gusto para decorar cada rincon
    Feliz semana!!

  64. Judy

    I LOVE color! I love how your home looks. Mine isn’t that colorful yet, but I’m working on it! 😀 And the pictures of your home inspire me! Be true to yourself, and let others have their own opinions. You are who you are, and you are just the way you are supposed to be. Always follow your heart – it will never lead you wrong.


  65. Linda Solaiman

    You know what Angie I think there is still room for more colour there, how can there be too much colour, your home is beautiful and your work is fantastic and should be displayed to the full, you enjoy it and if people make negative comments just let them go over your head, all that matters is, it makes you happy and gives you pleasure 🙂

  66. Jennifer Uribe

    It makes me so sad that people would actually express that to you. Our homes are very personal things and while some may like a minimalist beige home, others enjoy color and joy (mine even has more clutter than I like).

    I envy you the color in your home and I love every single image you share. I think I may even have salivated over your paintings!

    Don’t let their personal judgement color (ha!) how you view the beauty that is your home!

  67. Karen Ciullo

    I think that was a rude comment for her to make. I absolutely love your home. You have inspired me to bring more color into mine. I have been working like a madwoman on colorful pillows (like yours) to put on my couch. Up until I found your blog, my living room was 3 colors, black, deep red and maize. Now I have 4 mutli color, happy pillows on my black couch. They bring me joy just to pass by and look at them.
    I agree, it’s your home, you have to be happy there.

  68. Kelli Woodall

    You have such a beautiful home, no way is it too colorful! I only wish I had the decorating talent that you have. I could sit in that room and never leave! In the end though, should you really care what other people think? You are the one who lives there and you so very obviously love your home. That’s what matters! And I so love your pictures and those sweet little houses!

  69. Erika

    You’re friend was WRONG! I love everything about your colorful home! Your pictures make me happy to look at. Keep going at it and put aside any thought otherwise. I would LOVE for my home to look like yours, truly!

  70. Laura Miller

    Go into your garden and look at Mother Nature. Does she ever think there’s too much colour and turn the next flower beige?
    Need I say more? lol xxx

  71. Dilly Tante

    I think your home is lovely. I’m envious of the colours. We live in a rented house and have to live with dull wall to wall magnolia.

  72. Fariba

    Dear Angie,
    First of all I am always excited getting an e-mail from you with your wonderful and exciting information.
    Do not let peoples opinions get to you because not everyone is as happy as you. Your colorful home shows me how cheerful and happy person you are in your life. This is who you are and do not change yourself for anyone. To be honost, after reading your blog everyday I get energized and ready to go. As always thank you for sharing your talent and your home with us. We love you the way you are…..

  73. Becky in Texas

    You have a beautiful, cheerful home! The colors are wonderful! I will soon send a photo of mine. I love the folk-art feel of your room. Things are hand-crafted and personal. There is nothing more boring than a room where everything is mass produced.

    My favorite, odd items all have a story. Isn’t that a more rewarding thing?

  74. Charlotte

    Y a des gens qui craignent les couleurs vives, y a des gens qui craignenet le bonheur, les enfants, les gens… IL ne faut pas te poser de questions sur ton interieur, c’est le tiens, il est parfait pour toi car il est a ton image! Perso, je pense que c’est trop cool chez toi!

    Comme tu dis, chez cetains, c’est tout gris/noir/beige…. bof…

    Je connais quelqu’un qui a une maison presque vide, rien sur les murs, rien par terre, pas de livres (???) , pas des miettes, meme les enfants sont trop calmes… ca fait un peu drole…. les jouets bien ranges dans la chambre!

    Chez moi, c’est le bordel, les jouets partout, des gateaux sur la table, les pelottes dans des sacs et panier. J’ai 2 grands tableaux au mur, des photos agrandies sur de la toile de notre voyage en Australie, une d’Uluru et une autre de Kings Canyon. Trop beau!

    Bisous xxx

  75. Angela

    There is a site called that is very encouraging. It’s not well-organized, so I couldn’t find the particular post I was looking for, but in it she says (after someone questioned her home’s taste in front of her son) that our homes are for us. Yes, we welcome others into them and offer hospitality, but in the end our home is for us- the people who live there. And the beauty of home is the hearts it holds. My house is pretty colorful, too. And I think your home looks very, very happy:)

  76. Nancy

    I LOVE all the colors in your home! I think it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
    My home is more a mix match of things. We have wooden walls and none of the furniture matches. I have handmade blankets/afghans on every chair and couch and a few handmade throw pillows. But it is home and every item in here has a story to tell!

  77. Sara

    I think your home is absolutely wonderful and pretty. Your friend is hurtful, tactless and talking nonsense too! The colours are gorgeous, vivid and alive but never garish or in poor taste. And your home is made by you with your own extensive talents too, so be very proud.

    People are timid and frightened to put colour in their homes but you don’t have to be like them. Shame on your friend for saying as she did, it was rude of her. All colours treated well look nice but I would always choose colours like yours over bland neutrals that so many people have. Your home has style and charisma. Enjoy it; it’s lovely and reflective of your warm personality. Do not let the views of others get you down. Nature has it all and is never wrong. Your pictures, crochet and cushions are really lovely and I for one am envious of all your talent and the end result.

    I am easily hurt by comments too, so I understand how you have been upset by thoughtless remarks of others but please have faith in your own very good taste; it is lovely. Don’t doubt yourself but please continue as you are. Visiting your blog to look at all your pretty things is a joy and I always love what I see. xx

  78. Ingrid

    Hola, me encanta tu sala llena de color!!! alegra y llena de vida felicitaciones todas tus manualidades son preciosas.

  79. Diane

    When I look at the pictures of your home and the beautiful things you create, whether painting or crochet, I can see every stitch or stroke of paint is made with love. I don’t think it gets any better than that.

    I used to prefer pastels, but after seeing yours and other sites where color is so celebrated, I have a new love affair with colorful accessories! I made a rainbow granny stripe afghan that I love, love, love.

    I just think that the color choice simply varies by an individual’s taste. It’s easy to see how much you enjoy your choices. I say…go for it!

  80. Lyn Z...

    to each his own…. live and let live….
    and ny the look of the amount of comments – it seems people seem to agree It’s Your place and as those comments were unsolicited who cares!!!!
    My home at this time is not photo worthy but suffice it to say: at one time a friend’s young son referred to my home as the Children’s Museum…. What a compliment even if that translated to visual overload according to some grownups!
    My Mom taught me as avery young child to thine own self be true!!!!
    It has served me well for my 60 yrs….. I suggest you do the same!!!!!
    After all: Look at how many followers are looking to You for design ideas!

  81. Flo Harrington

    Angie, Your colors blend all together wonderfully well. So bright and cherry. I love your working of colors, the way you put them together. God bless you. You are an inspiration to all of us.

  82. Maggie

    Hi Angie, How can you have too much colour?! I love your home. It’s beautiful, cosy and homely. Maybe the people who you feel don’t like it are a bit scared of colour and aren’t adventurous enough to have colourful homes or don’t know how to go about it. I’m in the process of gradually adding colour to our home in the form of patchwork quilts, crocheted blankets, coloured glass. We’ve been here for just over 2 years, it was a bit bland when we moved in. I’m enjoying the gradual transformation 🙂 Maggie xx

  83. caramere

    Ton interieur est splendide, coloré comme il le faut c’est une maison chaleureuse ou la vie existe, tes décors sont de très bon gout, j’adore ne change surtout rien ça respire le bonheur et la joie de vivre !
    Bonne journée à toi big kiss !

  84. Liz

    Too colorful?! It can never be TOO colorful! I love it!

  85. Aunty Sally

    I personally think your use of colour is beautiful. If you are happy with it and enjoy being in your home because of it don’t regard what others think. I love blues and greens and decorate my home in those colours. I will always remember showing a friend something I had bought and loved and her telling me my colour use was “predictable”. Her comment stung but I still decorate with blues and greens because they make me feel good. Do what makes your heart sing!

  86. NickyNoo

    You can’t let other people’s taste (or lack of taste!) influence your feelings about your own home. If you love it, then that is what counts. You’ve created it from the heart, piece by piece, and I think it’s beautiful. It may not be what I’d choose to do in my own home, but we are all different. And that is exactly why you should leave it just as it is 🙂

  87. devil

    The trouble with some people is that the moment they open their mouths, their brains shut off.

    I think your home is beautiful with color and adore color in my own home as well.

    I know a few people who only have beige/brown/neutrals in their homes. Come to think of it, they’re unhappy too. I never made the connection before this post.

    It’s your life and your home – live the way you want. 🙂

  88. Wendy

    You are a unique individual and your home reflects that. You go right ahead and do what pleases you. Take it from one who has been there, trying to please everyone else never works out. I love your individuality and expression of that. It will kill your soul to be something others want.

  89. Lisa


    My name is Lisa, I live in the Netherlands and love to read your blogs!
    I love your pictures and your home.. Don’t let people tell you how it should be. My house IS beige,white and grey and I am beginning to change it cause now I finally dare… I LOVE colors and want more of that in my house. Your kids grow up in a fantastic house, I am sure they will look back at this house when they are older as a warm, loving, safe and beautiful home! I think many kids would love growing up in such a colourful home with such a creative mom. You make fantastic paintings and gorgeous crochet things. I wish I could make all those things! Be who you are…you have to live in it, and if you love everything about your house, why change it?

  90. Andrea

    Dear Angie, I like that corner of your house a lot!….I think something can’t bee too colorful, maybe I just LOVE colorful places, they seem to me full of life and give me so much pleasure! I specially like all those crocheted cushions and those tiny houses over your sofa! You should show us some closeup photos of those :)! Have a great day and enjoy your home!

  91. Jane Hirst

    I think your room is brilliant!!!!!

    Luv Jane XX

  92. Ana Reyes

    I’ve been following your blog for sometime and I simply love your colorful art. Started crocheting three years ago and you have inspired me a great deal. I’m taking care of my Mom, she’s 90 and has dementia. Taking care of her 24/7 is quite stressful and depressing so colors DO HAVE A GREAT IMPORTANCE AND INFLUENCE in my life. I even sorround my Mom with lots of color. There is a therapy based in colors and how to apply them in your life…
    Your room is absolutey wonderful. Do not hesitate a bit…It’s your beautiful room.
    Thanks for sharing your art and YOUR COLORS….
    Greetings from Spain.

  93. WoollyBudgie

    Your home is colourful, but in a beautifully tasteful way! I would love to walk into that room everyday and be greeted with all those wonderful colours! Colour is good for the soul, I think!

  94. Elaine Ridley

    Your home (and blog!) is lovely! Home is where the heart is and yours is full of love. And colorful! What joy!

  95. penelope10

    Surround your home with the things that you love! I do!
    Everyone’s taste is different and I am drawn to color! Makes me happy! I love your color!

  96. Frankie

    I think your home shows your personality – and that’s just how it should be! x

  97. Barb

    Angie,I love how you decorate your house with such cheery,bright and vibrant colours.I visit your blog and it’s an instant lift if I’m feeling down,so please don’t let other people’s opinions influence your decorating style it’s who you are! Look forward to seeing more creative colour 🙂 Barb.

  98. Deborah

    Too colourful? are they mad?

    Your house is beautiful, I would happily come to visit and feel right at home. The red walls in your craft room are the same as my living room, I love it. 🙂 And all your creations look amazing, I love your Russian doll painting. Ooooh the cushions the blankets, everything fits together so perfectly. 🙂

    In every colourful happy home, lives a colourful happy family, thats all you need to remember. much love, Debs. xx

  99. Annie

    Your house is beautiful! It reflects your personality and so much is home made and special. I am sure your husband loves it too – after all, it reflects your bright, colourful personality!

  100. Raquel

    Too colorful? Definitely no! Love the colours of your home

  101. Cindy

    There can never be too much color. I am a color junkie but my house is bland. My stitching & crocheting are the colorful part.

  102. Leucemia

    Querida Sucrette, ¿no quieres venir a mi casa a llenarla de color? Es fantástica la casa que tienes. Yo estoy haciendo obras, cuando las termine y decore me inspiraré en tu casa. Gracias por compartir. Bss desde Barcelona, Spain.

  103. Liz

    I think your home is great. Many people are conservative and just go along with what they have always known. Many have never been exposed to true creativity and style.
    When I moved in with my other half, I had to de-brown the place. He thought that brown wood was the norm. Uuuggh so bland and boring. I have lots of color in my home too. I don’t care what others say to me. When I see their homes I feel so happy for myself, because they live in brown and beige, which seems so unhappy to me.
    Creative people like you are interesting and unique…celebrate your taste and your happy colorful life. I love it:D

  104. Sylviane

    Moi, j’aime toutes ces couleurs ! Ca fait une ambiance très chaude et très conviviale !
    Laisse dire les gens … et profite !

  105. Kerry

    Hi Angie,

    Like you I have asked if my home is too colouful – we went on holiday to a home that was all a beige, sandy colour and when we got home I worried my house was too garish (overly bright), but it didn’t take me long to realise that I much prefer our colourful, jaunty home than that bland one. (And now my husband has been convinced as well and is talking about our three sofa covers being changed from biscuit colour to purple, red and green!!)

    Be vibrant and colourful, it really works for you, me, and obviously all of your readers!


  106. Lara

    I just bought orange sofas with lime green and red patterned pillows. Your color makes me happy to look at it. It looks joyful and inspires me. Too colorful? No way!

  107. Carolyn Geoffrey

    Sucrette, what does it matter what others think? It’s our choices that make us unique and individual. Wouldn’t it be a dull world if we all had the very same taste? I personally love color and think your ‘choices’ in your home are fabulous. I love your home. 🙂 So forget what your friend said and all the innuendos from others…just enjoy your home the way you choose to decorate it.

  108. Esther

    Your house is great! You have kids and it must be wonderful for them to grow up with lots of colours. I remember my parents place to feel too ‘blah’ when I was growing up.

    I love to crochet, but I try to keep the number of crochet things in our house to a minimum. I have a few blankets to crawl under when I watch tv or read a book on the sofa, but that’s it. Too much would not go well with the rest of our interior and I try and respect that. I also my mr is suportive of my hobbies and my way of showing my appreciation for that is that I do not go mad in putting too much crafty stuff in the house.

    But, I think you should feel comfortable in your house. Ask your partner for feedback every once in a while, as I found that many men have a great sense of taste in decorating as well!


  109. Tids

    I’m in the Army and every house we move in to is painted magnolia from top to bottom. The only way I survive it is to fill it with colour. Whenever you blog about your paintings, crochet, home, there is always a real sense of love and achievement that comes across. Don’t question it. Just love it xx

  110. Hillary

    Sucrette, I LOVE visiting your blog and seeing pictures of your beautiful home. If you love your home and are comfortable and happy in it, it is perfect.
    What I love about your colorful decorations is that while you do use many many colors, they are all used in various projects. They are all bright colors, and they work very well together. Since everything is multi-colored with that one palette, it all looks wonderful!
    Hugs from Pennsylvania! -Hillary

  111. Teija

    I think your home is very colourful and full of energy and happy! I work in very colourful place so my home have only white, black and shades of blue. It is good balance for me.I enjoy your blogg a lot because of your colourfull photos.They make me happy, colour therapy 🙂 If you love your home this way, let it be as it is 🙂

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