THE BOX is open!

February 16, 2012

Hello, hello, hello!

Well well well, I laughed and I laughed reading your comments 🙂 It seems we have all the same problem with yarn and left behind wips and boxes and bags too 🙂 hehehe

So, my sweet friends, I’m gonna open today THE BOX 🙂 Are you reaaaaaadyyyyyyyyyy?

As you noticed, the box is full of all sorts of projects, blocks I loved and wanted to keep for future reference, wips left-behind for no particular reason… getting bored I think is the main reason for leaving a wip…

This was me trying some blocks from: “200 crochet blocks” (You can find this book in the left sidebar of the blog)… I wanted to make a blanket but I did not like at all the result…It was a sort of “BEUUURKKK!” thing with all these “unmatched” colors …but because I hate to unravel anything I kept it! The blocks are lovely…each and every one alone without the others 😉

This pic has different kind of blanket blocks… with different combinations of colors I was trying… and new stitches too …etc etc

This … (some of you asked me about these hexagons) …this is supposed to be a turtle 🙂 Yes a turtle for my girl’s room door… I don’t know why I did not finish it… I wanted to make a small round cushion stuffed with small stones and sand and sew this hexagonal thing on it…then make a head and 4 legs…very simple… and very cute… I really should finish it and make a tuto for it too 🙂 It will be fun! Colorful, hexagonal turtles for the house !

This (the one on the left, the two big squares joined together) was supposed to be a BIIIG blanket for our bed … I don’t remember why I stopped it … I must have been at the time not-in-the-mood-for-big-projects 😉

Granny squares, Oh how I love granny squares! Different color combo and different first rounds too… trials trials that never led to something 🙂 but sometimes, you crochet little things just for fun…without any particular goal… don’t you agree?

Different blocks to keep for future lack of inspiration…

Some of them are my own creation (like the one with a white border up)… some not… but all of them are loved and kept like a treasure in THE BOX … 🙂

Now, I know, what project to pick… will tell you all about it next time 😉

Hope you enjoyed THE BOX 🙂

Have a beautiful day!




  1. Helen

    I really like the 9 large blocks joined together. I like the difference in pattern and colour and I think it works quite well. And the two squares with the white daisies are very pretty too. I think you are right about boredom setting in being the reason we don’t finish our WIPs. I have two blankets, a coat and a cardigan to finish, plus others, but they are the main ones. And despite telling myself that I am going to finish them and do some every week, it is now February and they still haven’t been touched!
    xXx Helen

  2. Floortje Wartenbergh

    It really IS a treasury box! Come to think of it, it’s not too bad to have a box with just random stuff in it, to open, unpack, admire, pack and close again….every now and again. I am really exited about your turtle idea! Brilliant to have even something crocheted to keep the door open! Have a nice day! Floortje
    P.S. You’re initial ‘box’ post insprired me to pick up a WIP of mine and I have been crocheting a lot on it….hope to finish it soon!

  3. Faith

    Love the turtle….what a great idea!

  4. Bernadette

    O what a nice treasure is your box. So wonderfull colours. I’m just in love with it. When you ever find the time to wright down the pattern for the turtel I would be greatfull. In the mean time, the following advice. Don’t trow away any of your wips, just enjoy them when you’r in a bad mood. By only loocking to it it make’s you, and me, happy.

  5. Betty Guyomarch

    J’en étais sûre, c’est vraiment une boîte à trésors ! Ou bien, comme disait mon fils tout petit “la caserne d’ali Babba” des grannies !

    Hâte de voir ce que tout ça va devenir !

  6. Lina

    Gorgeous! Lovely colour… Future project.

  7. Stocki

    Oooo I love the turtle idea…I would love to see that finished… and the big bed blanket… or maybe that would look great as a cushion on top of the blanket you are doing at the moment? :)x

  8. Katrin W.

    I hope you picked the turtle, it will be fun to see how it turns out.

  9. manu

    Wow!! what a wonderful explosion of colours and types of very nice blocks!!!! my eyes are empty of all !!! thank you for sharing!

  10. Cybouille

    Je trouve super chouette que tu ai partagé cette box avec nous.
    1- on a tous debuté en crochet , quelque part ce n’était pas parfait mais on reste attaché à ses premiers grannies par exemple ( même si aujourd’hui les couleurs peuvent nous sembler bizarre )

    2 – tu as just right quand tu parles “d’exercices” . Je ressens la même chose : apprendre à dompter les combinaisons de couleurs ( on peut être drôlement étonnée parfois ! ) , apprendre le point , etc ….

    3 – et puis certains gros gros projet restent parfois au placard ( comme ta grande blanket pour votre lit ) on ne sait pas pourquoi juste plus d’envie ( et l’envie , c’est quand même drôlement important dans un grand grand projet )

    4 – enfin, il y a aussi des mystères comme cette jolie petite tortue ( effectivement , tu étais vraiment bien partie … ) .

    Tu vois, cet article , je trouve , est au delà de toutes tes merveilleuses créations est un de mes preferés car il est authentiquement vrai et demontre

  11. Cybouille

    Flûte , je finis :
    Cet article démontre bien nos petits aller-retours dans la création.
    Décision, hésitation, impulsion … Bref tu vois.

    Je pense que je ferais un lien vers ce post sur un prochain article de CYbouille …

    Je ne pensais pas qu’une petite boite ouverte m’aurait fait autant parler ….. Ahahaha !!!!
    Sur ce, bonne fin de semaine à toi.

  12. Graciela Ferrari

    Hi Angie! the contents of your box is wonderful! but I was saddened to learn that you liked the result of the blanket with 200 blocks, I tell you that I’m doing a granny a day for a blanket in cotton yarn of many colors and with these features, plus many blocks I took them by this book I hope it does not happen like that after you and you did not like hehe
    I liked the inside of your box

  13. Domon

    J’adore voir les trucs mis de côté, ce sont des vrais trésors à regarder. J’aime beaucoup les 9 carrés qui ont été faits à partir du livre 200 Crochets Blocks.

    J’ai hâte de voir le projet qui sera complété 😉

    Merci pour ce magnifique blog, c’est toujours un vrai plaisir de venir y faire un tour.

  14. Julia T

    So colorfu!!! What lovely treasures!!! I am encouraged just by the pretty colors with all of the contrasting rounds in those granny squares! Can’t wait to find out which project you chose to complete…I used to collect turtle figurines, so I am holding out for the hexa turtle project 😉
    Blessings and joy to you today and every day!

  15. Loresa

    All of the blocks are beautiful! It would be a shame not to finish them as they would all make wonderful projects! Hopefully, you will be inspired to turn these beauties into something you or someone else will enjoy!

  16. Teresa

    Beautiful yarny treasures. I’m so glad you showed us. I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite. They are all so colorful and inviting. Can’t wait to see what you have decided on.

  17. Jacqueline

    WOW!!!! I can not believe you have stayed away from the box of amazing color!!!
    I can not wait to see them finished. So lovely

  18. Teje

    Hi Angie! Magic box – I would say! Full of treasures! I see there an art blanket! Make a blanket with all those different squares and hexies and circles! Make more squares and circleswith to fill the ’empty’ places between different blocks.
    Enjoy and have fun what every idea you have in your mind!
    x Teje

  19. Casey

    I love your blocks from the book! Have you seen the mini quilts that some quilters make to hang on their walls? Maybe you could do that with those squares, then you could see them all the time! It’s something I’ve been thinking of doing lately 🙂

  20. Cindy Smith

    Greetings! I so loved this post. I am glad to know I am not the only one with this issue. I am going to have to show it to my husband and let him know I am not crazy!


  21. Susana

    Hola. Se parece a la caja de los tesoros. Todos son muy bonitos.
    Un saludo.

  22. delphine 44

    Génial cette boite à trésors !!
    Je suis revie que tu l’aies ouverte et que tu nous la fasses partager !!
    ces essais sont toujours intéressants et à garder pour voir nos évolutions !!!
    merci pour ton blog que j’aime beaucoup venir visiter !
    Delphine 44

  23. Laura

    Love the box so much like mine, I like the 2nd picture with the joined squares the white is nice but maybe a pretty turquise color as a border would been good also.
    i love your use of color.

  24. Titi

    C’est une boîte à trésor ! J’adore les 9 carrés.

  25. Mo

    Ooh I do love your box’s store of wip memories 😀 I do like the 9 blocks together best, altho’ the turtle would be awesome. Please Do write a tute for it 😉
    Looking forward to seeing/hearing about what you have decided to do.
    Mo xx

  26. Toñi G.

    Te han quedado todos preciosos, me gusta mucho tu blog, tienes unos trabajos muy bonitos. Saludos

  27. isa

    Ohhhh, que tesoros más bonitos!! que explosion de colores y de grannys a cuál mas bonito!! me encantan todos! tienes un blog maravilloso, siempre que paso a visitarte me alegras el dia
    Un abrazo!

  28. Colleen

    Oh how I’d love to get my hands on that box!!!! 🙂 What a treasure trove of yarny fabulousness 🙂

  29. Alejandra

    Realmente es un tesoro esa cajita!!!!!!!
    Siento lo mismo que vos cuando abro mis bolsas y encuentro tejidos que encontre en la web los inicie y luego abandone jajajajajaja.
    He aprendido de vos que es muy bueno usar esos colores tan hermosos. Te sigo siempre y me enseñas cosas muy bonitas. Aunque estamos muy lejos, (Yo en Buenos Aires), te siento cerca cada dia recibiendo tus mails. Saludos y que sigas bien.

  30. anny

    Pero cuanta belleza escondía esa caja.
    Me gusta todo, los colores increibles, sabes yo tambien tengo una caja con cuadros cuando aflojen los calores, las sacare
    Besos Anny

  31. Jo-anne

    Such wonderfully bright coloured treasures were in “the box”. It makes me think I should keep my WIP’s in a nice box too 🙂

  32. EllyD

    What a wonderful box of colour! Looking forward to seeing the turtle finished 😉 I have that 200 blocks book too but haven’t done anything out of it yet. hugs Elly

  33. Kathie Lund


  34. Andrea

    I love the 9. I already checked out the book on Amazon. I’m contemplating to buy it. What an adventure it would be to make 200 different blocks. Sounds tempting : )

  35. Jewel

    Indeed, like a treasure, and it gives you a warm feeling inside opening in and looking inside, finding all the left aside WIP’s… good luck with the new project. Have almost finished a left aside WIP as well, will post pics soon on my blog. Have a nice weekend. Jewel

  36. Tammy

    That is a box of beautiful blocks and samples. I wish I had only a box. I have a couple of baskets, bowls, drawers, cupboards, trunks … full of unfinished projects. I keep saying I will grab one and have a go at it rather than starting anything else, but always get distracted. Right now I am doing grannies — very easy and don’t have to think about it too much. Except for the colors. I never can seem to get the look I’m going for. :/ Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  37. pippa

    just love your website and visit it at least twice a week to see if there are any updates. I just love your use of bright colours very similar to what i would use. and I am learnng a lot from all the tutorials keep them coming and many thanks


  38. Marian

    What a surprise, this box.
    I love the squares. I think you are crocheting whole the day?
    I bought your granny square flowers patern 2 days ago.
    Very nice, thanks you for the clear description.
    I love your blog, I’ll visit it every day now.

    greetings from Holland,

  39. Kelsie

    Hey,Angie!I really like the one with the white border,do you have a pattern?Also,I know I haven’t been posting on my blog,but I’ve been posting a lot lately.New patterns!I hope you come up with the pattern soon.

  40. Erin

    Hello! I love your blog and have added to my favs list on my own blog. I think all your WIP’s are so pretty and you have so many great colors! I was wondering what kind of yarns you generally like to use? Thanks!

    • Kelsie

      Hey,you’re up to,huh?I’m looking for some people to contribute to my blog,here’s the address:
      I’m posting some new patterns,and also,do you have a blog?I’d love to see!

      • Erin

        Hi Kelsie, my blog is

  41. René

    Thank you for your response telling me about the box. I love colorful stuff. Very nice wip’s inside, looking forward to what you pick.

  42. caroline

    What a lot of lovely colours! Great inspiration 🙂

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