Circle of joy

January 7, 2011

Good morning my friend,

I’ve been busy during these past two days working on a new pattern…I don’t know if there is or not something similar on the net but this is my very own version 🙂

It is a plain circle (with no holes :)) in a kind-of-granny-square-border:

I don’t know why I am loving the black color with other bright colors these days…I am adding black to my january2011 projects and liking it sooo much…It brighten more the other colors giving them more shining…don’t you think?

I made two squares with a cream border so you can see more clearly the 4th round of the square:

I don’t know yet what I’ll be doing with my black border squares…Will they turn into a blanket, a cushion? Will I make some coasters with cotton yarn? 🙂 The only thing I know is that I love this square…

…and I am gonna post its pattern for you tomorrow 🙂

Have a joyful day!




  1. Rachel D.

    De la couleur, beaucoup de couleurs : ahhh Angie merci car ici la grisaille est au rendez-vous depuis trop longtemps.
    Tes carrés me font penser à ceux que je suis en train de faire pour une couverture (bientôt des photos sur le blog).
    Gros bisous et bonne journée.

  2. Paula

    I agree with you the black makes the other colours stand out so much more and I love the idea of a circle in a square. I’m looking forward to your pattern.

    Can I also ask you a question? When you make your cushions how do you make the inside, do you buy them premade or do you make them yourself. I have a lot of leftover yarn and would like to make myself and a friend some cushions but can’t decide which way would be best and easier. I would appreciate your expert advice 🙂

  3. nordicwonderful

    Hello Sucrette. Thank you for visiting my flickr page… that’s how I discovered your lovely blog! Warm regards, Erin

  4. anna

    These are just beautiful. If I had your skills with a crochet hook (and sadly I don’t) I would borrow from your lovely pattern and make myself an obi!

  5. rebecca neafus

    You have such a beautiful,colorful blog. I wish I knew how to crochet.I will pass your blog onto many friends who do.I will have to come back and visit because all the colors are so inspiring.

  6. Lu

    Such happy colours!

  7. penelope dubois

    I love those! I’d like to do a pillow cover to start.

  8. ganxetades

    I love the black version!! I think is perfect for a blanket.

  9. Curly Bird Express

    I love the design, it really sparkles! I’m eager to see what they become.

  10. Debi Y.

    The bright colors pop right out at you – love ’em. 🙂

  11. Elizabeth

    All of your crochet projects are very inspiring! I do hope to make an afghan this year. Your blog is just the inspiration I need! Elizabeth

  12. Lucy@Attic24

    WOW!!!!!! LOVE this pattern, it’s beautiful!! Have bookmarked it for future ♥
    Your blog is wonderful, sorry i’ve not found it before now but i’ll be back xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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